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Piper's POV:
The next day we got ready for the first of two rounds in DanceMania. It was a group dance about how Richelle tries to get somewhere by herself but she realises she can't without all our help. It's a really cool contemporary/hip-hop combo, with lots of lift sections. Amy and I shared the bathroom as we tried to put the finishing touches to our make up and hair. After we had finished we checked the time and realised we only had 5 minutes to be down by the entrance. Luckily we had already packed all the things we needed so we grabbed them and ran downstairs. We reached the entrance just as Nick and Emily arrived. "Alright A-troupe let's head on over to the film studio. It's gonna be great!" We walked over and entered the studio. Immediately the heat from the lights overwhelmed me and I had to step out for a second to clear my head. I walked back stage and changed into my costume. It was a plain white, floaty dress just like the other girls apart from Richelle who was wearing the same thing in black. The boys were also wearing white. Eventually we were called onstage to dance. As we waited for the music to start I glanced around at my teammates. I realised how much I cared for each and everyone of them. They were my family. The music started and we began to dance. I felt like I was on top of the world! All my anxiety from last dance season seemed to vanish a little bit more each time I danced with A-troupe. As we struck our final pose I heard the watching audience burst into rapturous applause. I felt a huge grin spread across my face. I felt sure we had done good.

Amy's POV:
We waited for the judges decision. "The Next Step has scored a total of 96 points!" I cheered in excitement an threw my arms around Piper. Obviously the opposing team had not danced but a score of 96 is hard to beat. We ran of stage and waited for the other group to take the stage. Two boys, a duet, took the stage. "Jones!" Ozzy whispered angrily. Richelle held onto his arm and put her head on his chest. He hugged her back and she whispered things in his ear, probably telling him to calm down. Look like my Richozzy ship might sail after all. They danced an amazing duet, very high energy but still technical. "...score 96 points meaning this calls for a tiebreaker duet!" Considering this happened a lot in DanceMania, for the drama, A-troupe looked mildly surprised. We all turned to Finn and Piper who were both blushing. "You guy's ready?" I asked. They nodded before taking off to change for their duet. We waited in the wings for them as Jones and his partner also changed. Of course, they would both still be dancing so their was no one supporting them in the wings. This could work in our favour, support was important. Piper came back in light blue dress and whispered in my ear, "if we win I'm going to tell Finn that I like him." I squealed slightly and she shushed me, not wanting anyone to question what I was so excited about. They were called onto the stage and they danced a beautiful contemporary duet. The story of their dance was that Finn couldn't be with Piper because he had a girlfriend and Piper was trying to avoid him. I suppose it was sort of like our story, funny how dance often reflected life. I turned as Henry touched my elbow. "They belong together," he murmured, a little sadly. I nodded, my heart ached for him, I knew exactly what unrequited love felt like. I replied softly, "they do. And it will be hard. But you will get through this." He whispered his thanks before turning back to the dance.

Piper's POV:
The duet was going amazing, we were hitting every move perfectly. And the fact I was finally going to get to be with Finn after made it all so much sweeter. I ran into the final lift and he raised me up in the air. I felt like I was flying! As I came down I landed a little too hard. My left angle twisted and I felt pain shoot up my leg. As the music finished I held on tightly to Finn in our finishing pose, just to keep me upright. I held still for a few seconds before hobbling off stage. Tears streamed down my face as I tried to run as fast as I could. I didn't even care if we won, I was in so much pain. I heard footsteps behind and I felt someone grab my waist. It was Amy. I leaned on her as we made our way to first aid. "Oh my god Piper what happened? I saw you land funny, are you ok?" I grimaced. "Not really, I think I might have sprained it." Her face was riddled with worry, both for me and the team. If it was sprained then I wouldn't be able to dance for two weeks. "Did we win?" I asked, hoping I hadn't messed it up for all of us. "Yeah, but right now you need to focus on getting better." We reached the first aid room and they immediately took us into a room. I sat down heavily in a chair and waited while they checked it out. "Ok Piper it definitely isn't a permanent injury, it's only a slight twist but you will not be able to dance for 2-7 days." I winced, the next round was in two days. It would be tight but I could potentially be able to dance. The nurse told me, "you need total rest. No moving at all. As far as you can walk is to the bathroom and back but that's it." I nodded to show I understood. I was determined to get better and would do anything even if it sucked. Amy hovered anxiously near me while the nurse strapped up my ankle. When he had finished Amy helped me up and we walked slowly up to our room. We reached the room and she said, "I'll call Nick." I nodded and lay back on my bed. I never did get to tell Finn I loved him.

Finn's POV:
As Nick got off the phone call he turned to me and Emily. The rest of A-troupe had already gone to their rooms but I just couldn't, I was beside myself with worry. "Well?" Emily prompted. Nick sighed, "It's not good." My whole word seemed to come crashing down. Nick continued, extremely subdued, "she won't be able to dance for 2-7 days. Luckily it's only a slight twist." Emily started, "what are we going to do if she can't da-." I interrupted her, "I need to see her, what room is she in?" Emily could see my desperation so she reluctantly told me, "214." I nodded before running off. She was the love of my life. I needed to see her. I just couldn't bear her being hurt.

A/n: Hey guys! As the finals draw closer will Piper be able to dance? Or will A-troupe have to pull out the competition? And will Piper get to confess her love?

Also I threw a little bit of Richozzy in their! I just thought if Izzy gets Heath then Ozzy should get someone! And who better than his life long crush?

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