It's over

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Amy's POV:
I asked Finn to meet me in Studio 1. I had encountered one too many suspicious coincidences. I think Finn cheated on me with Piper. When Finn walked into the studio I immediately confronted him, "did you cheat on me with Piper?" His face turned red and he nodded guiltily. "How did you find out?" he asked looking ashamedly away. I took a deep breath to steady myself before launching into a list, "one time you said Piper's cat died but she's allergic to cats. When we went camping you brought s'mores which you KNOW I hate but Piper loves them. You almost accidentally kissed her in front of me. I've seen the way you look at her and the way she looks at you. Not to mention you've been really shifty lately." Finn winced and muttered, "I'm sorry." "You should be. I'm breaking up with you!" I stormed out the studio. Surprisingly I didn't feel sad that I had broken up with him, just angry he had betrayed me like that. I guess we really weren't compatible after all.

Finn's POV:
Amy found out! And she broke up with me! I felt really guilty about cheating but even guiltier about lying to her. She's probably fine though, she's probably being comforted by Henry as we speak. I just had to tell Piper now. If Amy didn't tell her first. Oh no! I had to find her fast otherwise Amy might tell her first and Piper would never speak to me again!

Amy's POV:
After I had left Studio 1 I went to look for Piper. Even though she hadn't cheated technically but she still betrayed my trust. I don't know if I could ever forgive her for that. I reached The Next Steep and saw Piper waiting to order. I debated whether to wait until we were in private to confront her but I decided it couldn't wait. I approached her at the counter and said, "I know you kissed Finn." Her cheeks coloured and she started to stutter, "n-no w-we d-didn't." "Don't lie!" "I'm sorry,ok? I never meant for it to happen!" She was nearly in tears but at that moment I just couldn't care. "Don't talk to me, 'cause the Piper I know would NEVER do this." I walked out, my eyes brimming with angry tears. How could we ever come back from this?

Henry's POV:
As Amy walked out The Next Steep I ran into her. I started to apologise but realised she was close to crying. I asked her, "what's wrong?" before pulling her in the direction of Studio A. When we reached the studio we sat down on the cubes. I patted her back while I hugged her until she could finally form a coherent sentence. "I broke up with Finn because I figured out he cheated on me with Piper," she sobbed out. My fluttered a bit at Piper's name but I pushed it down; right now was about comforting Amy. I held her until her tears ran out and she looked at me. "I'm so,so, sorry Amy, no girl deserves that to happen to her ever." She just nodded her head sadly and closed her eyes. I whispered sweet nothings to her until she was finally ready to talk. " I'm sorry Henry, I think I ruined your shirt." We chuckled weakly together until she continued, "I can't believe I didn't acknowledge it sooner, there were so many signs. I just feel so stupid!" she said. I said nothing as she let it all out until the garbled dialogue came to an end. "I'm sorry that all this happened to you. Your an amazing person, and you deserve so much better." "Thanks Henry I really appreciate you listening to me." "No problem, I-." She cut me off by pressing her lips to mine. I reeled away in shock and said, "why would you do that? You just broke up with Finn not to mention I don't even like you like that!" "B-but I thought..." "no!" I shouted, "this was a mistake!" I stood up and walked out. I felt like I betrayed Piper, but why? I didn't owe her anything...

Amy's POV:
I really thought Henry likes me! But when I kissed him he pulled away immediately and walked out, leaving me feeling very humiliated and embarrassed. I've been rejected twice in one day, it doesn't get much worse than this. However now I really want to know why Piper and Henry faked a relationship...

A/n: Hey guys! With two guys chasing Piper who will she get with? Will Amy figure out the reasons behind Henry and Piper's fake relationship? And will all ever be forgiven?

I also just want to say that if you want to see a short clip from the next episode of TNS then you can go to cbbc's website and go to The Next Step section then you can find a clip from the next episode!

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