A new beginning

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Piper's POV:
We were all in Studio A having a party to celebrate our win at DanceMania.  I was sat on one of the benches watching the party when Henry approached me, "hey. Can I sit?" I nodded and he sat down next to me before saying, "I just think that my feelings for you were just a harmless crush. What I feel for Amy... that's real. I love her." I placed my hand on his arm, "Henry I get it. I know. I always knew, even when you didn't. Just...don't hurt her otherwise I'll kill you." He laughed but it trailed off when he realised I was serious. He nodded solemnly and hugged me. I hugged him back before saying, "let's go rejoin the party." We entered the crowd again and someone hugged me from behind. "Henry better not be trying to steal my girl," Finn said nuzzling his nose into my neck. I rolled my eyes but secretly my heart fluttered every time he called me that. "He was just explaining everything to me." He spun me around to kiss me and I melted into him.  After a while I pulled away and said, "let's get snacks, I'm hungry." "I'm always hungry babe." I rounded on him. "Under no circumstances are you ever to call me 'babe' ever again!" He winked at me and replied, "ok babe." I reached out to push him away but he caught my hand and pulled me close to him. He leant down and kissed me again and I made up my mind. "You can call me babe only if you do that every time." "Happily!" He added, "babe." He kissed me again and I smiled, "ok that's enough babe." He looked at me, horrified, and I smirked right back at him. I kissed him and whispered, "the rule applies the other way round too." Suddenly Amy appeared at my side, "ok we get it you like kissing each other! Piper I want to dance with you!" "Ok Amy. Love you Finn." I said walking off. "Love you too Pipes." I grabbed an apple before Amy pulled me into the dance floor.
We danced together, laughing until we couldn't dance anymore. We sank to the floor at the side of the room and Henry and Finn sat with us. Finn kissed my cheek and pulled me into his lap. I sighed happily and nestled in comfortably. Suddenly an idea occurred to me, "we should go on a double date!" "Yes!" Any squealed immediately, "that would be so much fun!" Finn and Henry agreed much calmer but still just as excited and I stood up to go get iced tea for us. I walked down to The Next Steep. I ordered the tea and was just leaving when I thought I heard my name called. I turned around but didn't see anyone so I left. I probably just hallucinated it. Right?

Finn's POV:
I had never felt more happy in my life! I had my dream girl and we had just won DanceMania! Piper had just left to get ice tea when Amy turned to me. "If you ever hurt Piper I will murder you." I knew to take threats like that seriously but Henry merely laughed. We both sent him confused looks and he said in way of explanation, "Piper said basically the exact same thing to me." "Well she's not wrong," Amy grumbled. Just then Piper walked in carrying the drinks and I stood up to help her. She thanked me and went to sit down. She gave a drink to Amy and I gave one to Henry. While we sipped on our ice teas Piper said, "I think I heard someone call my name in The Next Steep. Did anyone from A-troupe go down their?" We all shook our heads, "No ones left or came on apart from you." "Oh I must have imagined it then." She still looked slightly confused so I kissed her forehead gently. "It's alright Pipes, everyone imagines things sometimes." She sighed and said, "I guess..."  We all just casually chatted until Emily walked in with Nick behind her. "Alright A-troupe! I have some big news."

A/n: So that's it! The book's finished! It's been a rollercoaster of a ride but we made it! There's going to be a sequel called Pinn-World Tour so go check that out if you want to continue along Pinn's journey. Thank you for all the support and I hope you enjoyed the book!

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