It all comes down to this

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Finn's POV:
I knocked on Piper's door. Amy answered pulling the door open wide. Her eyes widened in surprise before she ushered me in quickly. I nodded my thanks and looked over at the bed where Piper was lying. Her ankle was strapped up and her face showed she was in quite a bit of pain. My heart ached for her as I approached her bedside. She smiled weakly, "hey." "Hey," I replied, "how you holding up?" She grimaced slightly. I nodded sadly, her face showed everything I needed to know. I sat down next her and smiled sadly down at her. Briefly I heard Amy mutter, "I leave you two alone for a bit." Piper smiled gratefully at her then looked at me, her smile turning nervous. "Finn I really have to tell you something." "Ok..?" "I...I really like you. In fact I might love you." I sucked in a breath, "really?" "Yes. I was hoping you might still feel the same away?" Instead of answering I leant down and kissed her, hard. Momentarily she froze before she melted into me and kissed me back. This kiss was the best ever. Their were no regrets or sadness interlaced, just pure joy and passion. When we finally ran out of air, I pulled her against my chest and just held her. The only sounds were our breathing. Suddenly a knocking on the door broke us apart. Amy entered the room with a questioning look on her face. Piper smiled sheepishly and Amy squealed. "Alright Finn get out, Piper I need to talk about everything," Amy said bossily. "No way, Piper would never kiss and tell." "So their was kissing!" "Way to give the game away Finn," Piper grumbled playfully. I smiled, dropped a kiss on Piper's forehead before wishing them both goodnight. As I shut the door behind me, I heard Amy squeal again and laughed quietly. Piper was going to get grilled!

Time skip 2 days to the finals cause I don't know what to write here 😂

Piper's POV:
Today was the day of the finals! I waited anxiously with Finn, waiting for the physiotherapist to tell me if I could dance. As he gave his final verdict my heart dropped in my chest. I couldn't dance! Finn held me tight while I broke down. I felt like such a failure, I was letting down the team. Finn left to break the news to Nick and Emily. I just couldn't face them myself. I was devastated! My dream was ruined, I would never dance in the DanceMania finals. We would have to forfeit now, unless somehow we managed to find a dancer to replace me. When Finn re-entered the room I held him as I hobbled back to my room. Amy was waiting and seeing her face caused me to break down again. Amy and Finn both tried to comfort me to no avail. Suddenly an idea popped into my head. My tears slowed as I realised that if she could do it, we could still dance in the finals. "Amy give me my phone," I demanded. She passed it over and I immediately scrolled through my contacts to find Summer number and pressed call. After two rings she picked up, "hello?" I heard her say. "Summer I need your help." "Anything," she replied. "I injured myself and can't dance in the finals. Please, we need you to take my place." She hesitated for a second before agreeing, "luckily for you I came to watch anyway so I'm already here." "Great I'll send Amy so you can learn the choreography from her!" I thanked her and hung up before turning to Amy. "Go find Summer. She's downstairs and taking my place. Teach her the choreography. Please." She nodded before leaving the room. At least A-troupe could dance still! "That was a very nice thing you did Piper," I heard a quiet voice say, "not many people could do that." I snuggled into his chest and we stayed like that, his chin resting on my head. At least I had Finn, I would always have Finn.

Finn's POV:
After a while Piper sent me off to get ready for the finals. I had protested but she put her foot down, telling me I had to leave. She literally had to push me from the room, I was that reluctant to leave. Piper had told me, "Finn just leave already I'll be fine! I'll be going to meet Nick and Emily in a few minutes so I won't even be alone for long!" The physiotherapist had sent up some crutches and Piper was making good use of them. She could never sit still for long. I got dressed, ready for our Alice in wonderland themed dance and went to find Piper for a good luck kiss. I found her in the wings with Nick and Emily. I pulled her away from them before pressing my lips to hers. She smiled into the kiss and put her arms around my neck. We broke a part when we heard Amy clear her throat. "Okay lovebirds, that's enough. Finn's got a dance to perform." I pecked her one more time before running onstage to join my team. The music started and I started dancing my heart out. At one point I glanced over to see Piper in the wings cheering us on. I knew she felt slightly sad that it wasn't her dancing on that stage but all the same she was genuinely happy seeing us dance. As we struck our signature poses, all in our line I heard Piper wolf whistle and smiled. I really hope we win, we'll be winning for her. We jogged off stage to watch the other team dance. I held Piper's hand tightly as we watched them, both of us needing the support and comfort. When they had finished we filed back on stage to here the judges choice. My heart pounded in my chest as the loud voice announced, "THE WINNER OF THIS YEARS DANCEMANIA IS...

A/n: The book is reaching its end! There is only going to be another chapter or two before it ends! If I was to do another book what would you want me to do:
- A direct sequel, perhaps DanceMania again or a tour?
- A one shot book, probably Pinn as their my favourite ship!
- A different ship all together, one shot or proper story.
- Anything else, leave any suggestions in the comments!
Please comment any particular preferences or storylines so I can begin to plan out a rough idea of what I'm going to write about! Thank you!❤️

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