As a friend

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Amy's POV:
...I forgive you." A-troupe cheered and I felt a grin spread across. Piper pulled me into a hug and hugged her back. I didn't know how I had survived without my best friend, I was never letting her go again. I looked over her shoulder at Henry who grinned and gave me the thumbs up. I smiled at him to show I forgave him, how could I not when him and Piper had planned all this? I broke away from Piper and we joined the rest of A-troupe who enjoying the impromptu party. We danced together and just basked in the others company. I was glad to have Piper back.

Piper's POV:
After the party had died down and people began to leave I began to pick up all the rubbish. It was originally going to be me and Henry to tidy up but he had to leave suddenly to do with a family emergency. Thankfully Amy volunteered to help me, she probably wanted some 'us' time. Once everyone left, as I predicted, she turned to me and announced, "you can date Finn you know," deadly serious. I gaped are her in shock and choked out, "what? That's against girl code." She replied, matter of fact, "that's true. But I don't mind. You see Finn never looked at me the way he does to you. He saw me as a...really good friend who just happened to be in the right place at the right time. Finn didn't ask me out because he liked me, he asked me out because he wanted to get over you. And to be honest I never truly liked Finn either. I said yes to him asking me out because I was hung up on Henry still. Plus I can tell you love him but you won't try to do anything about it because you don't want to hurt me. But I'm not going to be hurt. I'm going to be so happy for both of you because you both deserve and need each other." I was speechless. Amy wanted me to date Finn? I finally managed to speak, "but you said you really liked him?" "I thought I did but I was lying to myself, I just wanted to so I could be in a solid relationship." "But you were so hurt when you found out about the kiss?" "Only because you both lied to me about it. I wasn't hung up on the kiss but on the lies. Piper, look, I'm giving you my blessing, I want you to date Finn." I nodded and said, "if your sure I'll tell him after the duet at DanceMania if we win." "We will win and I'm sure."

Amy's POV:
After telling Piper she could date Finn, I felt a weight lifted of my shoulders. Piper and Finn would both be so happy. The only regret I felt was not telling her sooner. We continued to tidy up but after a while we got tired and had to sit down for a bit. I offered to get teas and Piper nodded and handed me some money. I took it before heading down to The Next Steep. As I was paying, I saw Henry sat looking dejectedly down at his tea in the corner. Tentatively I walked over and asked, "need someone to talk to?" He looked slightly reluctant so I hastily added, "as a friend and nothing more." This time he nodded and waved to the seat opposite him. "So what's up?" I asked. He replied, "so I like Piper right?" I nodded covering my shock up with a sympathetic smile, "well she's in love with Finn and I've got a crush on her. And to make matters worse I've got no chance because Finn loves her back. I just feel so stupid for accidentally falling for her while we were in our fake relationship." I nodded again and quietly said, "I'm here for whatever you need. Just don't blame Piper because it isn't her fault," I thought for a second before adding, "it's not Finn's fault either." "I know it just which it didn't have to be this way. But please don't, worry Piper and I already talked about it. We agreed to still be friends, it'll be fine," he seemed to be reassuring himself more than me. I checked my phone. Five missed calls from Piper. I looked back at Henry and apologised, "Henry I'm really sorry but I have to get back to Studio A. Call me if you need anything?" He nodded. At least he slightly more relaxed. I ran out The Next Steep towards Studio A. It was only as I was arriving that I realised the 'family emergency' he had was fake, and only to avoid Piper. He's got it worse than I thought.

Piper's POV:
Amy ran back into the Studio with our teas just as I was about to call her again. I looked at her for an explanation and she breathlessly told me, "I met someone from, er, school in The Next Steep." I nodded, slightly suspicious, but decided not to question it. As we drank our teas we tidied up and soon Studio A was spotless. On the spur of the moment I blurted out, "let's do a duet, we haven't done one of those together in ages." Enthusiastically she nodded and we turned on the music. As we free-styled to the music we soon fell into a jazzy number, with a few Charleston like moves. We finished and smiled at each other, our friendship more solid than ever. It was good to have Amy back.

A/n: Hey guys! It's this books one week anniversary! I know that sounds dumb but I'm so grateful to have hit a thousand reads in such a short amount of time! Thank you to everyone who reads this book and I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

Also the next episode of The Next Step comes out tomorrow and they'll definitely be a good amount of love triangle(maybe square) drama because the episode synopsis is as follows: Finn's attempts to cheer up Amy fall flat, while Lily and Kenzie to form a plan. It seems like I was probably right in thinking that the camping like scene was to cheer up Amy!

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