The Fill-In Girlfriend

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Piper's POV:
...Piper and Finn!" I squealed in excitement and threw my arms around Finn, all awkwardness forgotten. He laughed and hugged me back. In that moment I felt truly safe, there was nothing better than Finn's hugs. One of the things that made our bond strongest was that Finn always knew how to make me feel safe and calm me down when I had anxiety attacks, while I keep him grounded and make sure he doesn't get too over excited. When he finally put me down I looked out at Amy. She didn't look mad, just puzzled. That's good at least, I really don't want to lose her. Emily dismissed the rehearsal so I went to the locker room to grab my stuff. I met Henry in their and he reminded me we had to go to The Next Steep. I swallowed guiltily. I felt like Finn and I had started to move towards friendship again but this was going to back track any progress and we had made. However I couldn't just leave Henry in a lurch so I had to carry on through. This better be worth it!

Henry's POV:
Piper and I made our way down to The Next Steep. Finn and Amy were sat off to the side, having a makeshift high tea laughing and having fun. I nudged Piper and subtly gestured towards . She nodded once to show she understood before walking up to the counter and ordering our drinks. We sat down in their line of vision and started laughing and smiling together. Out the corner of my eye I saw them freeze in sync. We continued, even louder, really trying to sell the deal. I saw Amy whisper something in Finn's and he nodded and randomly laughed. Hmm. They were trying out do us! I quickly told Piper that and we toned it up a notch. It turned into a full blown competition and soon we we're getting louder and louder until Piper stood up and shouted, "I'M BREAKING UP WITH YOU! THIS FAKE RELATIONSHIP ENDS NOW!" She stormed out The Next Steep leaving the whole room in silence. As the chatter resumed I sat their in shock. Why didn't I feel relieved I didn't have to pretend anymore?

Amy's POV:
Finn and I were sitting in The Next Steep when Piper and Henry walked in. They were on a date. When they laughed loudly together I felt a pang of jealousy run through me. Deciding to get a little bit of revenge, I threw caution to the win and whispered in Finn's ear, "let's play with them a bit, we'll try to seem like we're having wayyyy more fun than them!" Finn nodded so we proceeded to laugh even louder than them. We tried to outdo Piper and Henry until Piper stood up and shouted,  "I'M BREAKING UP WITH YOU! THIS FAKE RELATIONSHIP ENDS NOW!" Before storming out. I couldn't believe it! Their relationship was fake! Wait, do I have a chance with Henry?

Finn's POV:
When Piper was shouting at Henry I went into shock. Their relationship wasn't real? I can't believe it! I do have a chance with Piper! I think...I need to break up with Amy. I'm going to break up with her as soon as I can with hopefully as little pain as possible. Maybe then I can date her...

A/n: Hey guys! This chapter quite a bit shorter but I don't really have time to write anymore! However next time will be longer and there will be lots of juicy things to come! Leave your thoughts below!

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