Truth or dare

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Piper's POV:
We all climbed onboard the coach that was going to take us to DanceMania. Amy and I sank into the pair of seats nearest the back. Finn and Henry sat in front of us, talking about a bro weekend they had planned. Amy whispered in my ear, "those boys can't stop talking about that weekend they got planned. I hope we don't have to listen to that the whole way here!" I stifled a giggle as Henry and Finn said in unison, "I heard that!" Unable to hold in my laugh, I snorted before breaking into hopeless giggles. Amy laughed along side me and managed to get out, "let's do a girl's weekend then." Quietly she added, "we can talk about Finn when you ask him out!" Thankfully the boys didn't hear us but continued talking about boy stuff. When Kingston, Ozzy and Heathcliff joined in Lily decided she couldn't take it anymore and announced, "let's play truth or dare." This was met with murmured protests but eventually everyone agreed. Lily started, "Kingston, truth or dare?" "Truth." "Do you love me?" He nodded shyly and she beamed at him. I turned away for a minute while they engaged in some PDA. After they had finished, and I felt ready to throw up, Kingston said, "Truth or dare, Richelle?" "Dare." Of course she chose dare, Richelle never picked the easy option. "I dare you to kiss Ozzy!" Kingston and Ozzy did that bro handshake thing before Richelle leaned over and pecked him on the lips. A-troupe awwed while Richelle rolled her eyes. Ozzy just looked stunned, I don't think he was expecting her to actually do it. Breaking him from his daze, Richelle said, "Heath, truth or dare?" "Truth." At this point Ozzy butted in with, "do you like my sister Heath?" He sent a stern glare towards him. Richelle opened her mouth to say something but closed it, probably deciding she wanted to know to. Heath blushed and whispered, "y-yes." Ozzy glared for a second before breaking into a wide smile, "it's all good man, she likes you too. You better ask her out properly though, the whole shebang, flowers and all." Heathcliff nodded coolly and tried to hide is growing smile. Happily he said, "Kenzie, truth or dare?" "Dare. Of course." "I dare you to go up to Nick and imitate his British accent." Kenzie stood up and walked to the front of the bus. We all all covered our mouths at the horrible attempt. We watched as Nick became more and more confused before he finally saw us trying to hold in our laugh. He sighed, relieved, and sent Kenzie back to us. "Truth or dare Piper?" "Dare." I really couldn't risk anyone apart from Amy knowing my secret yet. Kenzie though for a second, "I dare you to kiss Finn." I blushed madly. Out every possible dare, why this one? Reluctantly I stood up and went to the row of seats in front. I stood between his legs and kissed him. It was short and sweet but I felt fireworks explode within me. I sat back down and looked down at my feet. Amy nudged my foot and winked at me. I quickly dared Amy to do some whimsical dare and zoned out. All I could think of was Finn.

Finn's POV:
Piper was dared to kiss me! I felt sure she would deny it and ask to do something else, I couldn't really blame her, it was awkward between us, but no she stood up and and kissed me. It was short but I could feel every nerve ending on fire as she pulled away. She went back to her seat and stared down at her feet. She dared Amy to do something and I looked at her. I touched my lips gently, I could still feel her lips on mine. As if she sensed I was watching her she looked up and smiled at me. It was a small one but I could've sworn it held love and promise in it. Or maybe I was only seeing what I wanted to see.

Amy's POV:
We reached the hotel we were staying in and checked in. Luckily for us, Piper and I had been out in the same room to share. I dragged her along to our room before slamming the door shut behind us. I squealed loudly, "I can't believe you kissed Finn! It was so cute, he definitely loves you. Did you see the way he watched you after? This is amazing!" Once I had calmed down a bit I sat down on the sofa with Piper, "your still going to tell him aren't you? And soon?" She nodded, "when the moment is right." Suddenly she peeled up, "let's do face masks!" I agreed happily and we ordered room service and snacks and settled in for a movie.

Henry's POV:
My heart ached when Piper kissed Finn on the bus. However it didn't hurt as much as it used to, I guess that's what getting over a broken heart is. As Finn and I were roomed together I felt like I needed to explain the whole situation to him. I approached him warily, and said in a rush, "I kind of like Piper and I told her but she let me down gently and we agreed to still be friends and she likes you bro and-." Finn cut me off, "what? You like Piper?" I nodded and said, "but I'm getting over her and I would never, ever make a move on her knowing the feelings you have towards each other." Finn nodded and said, "hey man it's all good, Piper's an easy girl to love, just as long as you don't make a move on her." "I would never do that, ever." He seemed satisfied so I held out my hand for our handshake. He obliged and we moved on to less serious things and a movie.

A/n: Hey guys! I decided to try something a little different and try to include more of           A-troupe! There might be more chapters like this or I could go back to just Piper, Finn, Amy and Henry! Either way I hope your enjoying my book!

Also what were your opinions on episode 13? I personally didn't like it that much. I felt the Kingston, Lily, Kenzie and Miss Angela plot line was really rushed and not drawn out enough to find it interesting. Hopefully though, they'll stop breaking up all the time! Also their was a major plot hole? Apparently Henry likes Amy, so why did he date Summer? I mean, we all were pretty sure Summer and Henry really liked each other but I guess not! Sorry for the long author's note, I just really wanted to give my opinion!

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