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Five days went by like a breeze. It went by just as any other day in the hectic life of the student of Sussex University. And Friday had finally arrived.

And Juliana was NOT looking forward to it. She was supposed to turn up at Jack and Zayn's dorm to write the report on the first book. The whole week she'd been pretending that this day won't come, it was inevitable. She stood before the door cursing at her stars that led her here in the first place before knocking at the door.

"Comin'..." a muffled voice comes from the other end. She tapped her feet impatiently on the ground waiting for the door to open. The door clicked from the other side and swung open.

Her eyes widened almost popping out of her socket when the Zayn appeared from the other side. He was standing shirtless with a trouser hanging low on his waist. "Hey, I wasn't expecting you." He mumbled, "C'mon in." he motioned inside and stepped sideways to let her in.

"Where's Jack?" she asked on entering. She was trying her best not to look down. God! The guy was hot! The tanned skin the defined muscles, the abs. If you don't already know, abs are every girl's weakness, there is no girl who can stand perfect abs.

"You're drooling Augustine." His voice was what snapped Juliana back; he had an unmistakable smirk on his face making her go all hot and red on the face. He chuckles at her flustered appearance, "If you want to have your way with me, all you need to do is ask." He says and winks at her.

"Shut up! Don't flatter yourself." She scolded him. "And you didn't answer me."

"Oh right, Jack went to get some snacks. We ran out of them and it was his turn to get them." He said walking over to his closet. Juliana just stood there. He came back after moments finally with a shirt on, Juliana was more than glad about it.

"D'you want anything? To eat or drink?" he asked opening the fridge.

"No, I'm fine. How long wil he take?"

"Eager, are we? What's wrong with me?" Why did he have to be so cocky all the time?

"I just need to get over with it." She said.

"Okay, suit yourself." Zayn said pulling out a bottle of water. He opened the bottle not letting his eyes falter from her. She was fumbling with her fingers, waiting anxiously for jack. Her hair was made in a low ponytail, but some shorter strands kept falling on her face. She had beautiful eyes, so expressive, so shiny. Her lips, they were incredibly pink and kissable...

Damn she was beautiful!

She was wearing sweats with jeans. That's when he noticed her duck-taped shoes. It seemed ripped at the tip and duck-taped to stick it together. He frowned at them. And then looked back at her face. They'd been in the same college for almost two years, but she was always a recluse, she didn't interact with people, maybe that's why he never got the chance to look at her properly.

"Hey, Juliana!" Jack's voice interrupted Zayn's long chain of thoughts.

"Great. You're here. Can we start now?" that was her greeting him back.

"Okay, let's start." Jack replied.

"I'm out, see ya later dude." Zayn said making his way out of the dorm, he saw no point staying here anymore. And something told me he'd be staring at her the whole time which definitely wasn't good.

She stood straighter. "Where are we doing this?" she asked.

"What do you mean where? Here, of course?"

"But where? Both your beds are littered with clothes, there's no place to sit." She complained. "Such typical boys." She rolled her eyes.

"Oh, that won't be a problem. Sit beside me, behind me or on top of me, I don't mind." And he winked.

God! Him and his god forsaken roommate, how cocky can they be?

"Can we please just get on with it? It's getting late!" she was beyond annoyed at Jack.

"I can drop you home if it gate's too late. Chill."

"No! You will not be dropping me anywhere. Just mind your own fucking business." She snapped at him.

"Woah! Okay fine. Just wait, I'll clear some space." Jack said and walked to his bed. He scooped all the clothes in his arms and threw them over to Zayn's bed. "I'll clean it up later, now c'mon let's start." He said motioning her to sit on the bed.

They did the report writing for a while. Their work was finished by 6pm and Juliana made her way back by then. On her own. She couldn't let anyone drop her. That's totally out of the question.


I'm sorry for the late update. Had loads on my plate. And yeah, MTB is now officially over so if you haven't read it yet (which I highly doubt) then maybe you should.

I want to dedicate this chapter to @lina_me for her awesome comment on the last chapter of MTB. I love long comments and yours was the longest and the sweetest ever.

Nivi XX

Juliana |Z.M| |A.U| (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now