The sight of three teenagers running through King's Cross Station with trolleys piled high of personal belongings was unnoticed by most muggles. The older girl seemed frantic, rushing the younger boy and girl and helping the girl push her trolley. Finally, the golden sign for platform nine appeared in the distance, and the three sped up in anticipation of reaching their destination. They weaved through crowds, narrowly avoiding tipping over their belongings, and reached the barrier between platforms nine and ten. The older girl hurriedly waved the boy along and watched as he sprinted towards the wall and vanished from sight. The tension from the older girl's shoulders relaxed as she realized they made it. She smiled at the younger girl before motioning for her to follow her brother. The girl grinned back before squaring her shoulders towards the barrier and taking off in full speed before she, too, vanished from sight. The older girl looked back at the station, taking it all in, before giving a self-satisfied sigh.
She'd be home soon. She'd be at Hogwarts.
The older girl turned back to the barrier and prepared to make her journey onto platform nine and three quarters, before another trolley slammed into her's and tipped it over. Her tawny brown owl screeched loudly on his descent to the ground, but the girl managed to grab the cage just before it made contact with the concrete below. She looked up, ready to tell off her assailant, only to be met with a concerned face peering down at her. He reached out a large hand to help her up, but the older girl was too captured by his hair to notice. He had bright, fiery locks that looked tousled, like fingers ran through them constantly. The girl's eyes trailed further down the boys head and locked with deep, chocolate brown irises that held a spark of concern.
"I'm very sorry. That was completely my fault," he apologized in a smooth manner. His voice washed over her in calm waves, and the girl felt her mind go blank. "Then again you were standing right in front of the platform" he added before giving her a grin.
The older girl snapped back to reality and gave the redheaded boy a look of disbelief. "You're joking right? You ran into me." She placed the owl cage back on the top of her trunk where it belonged before squaring her shoulders to the platform. She turned her to look the boy directly in the eye.
"Next time, just leave it at 'completely your fault,'" she told him with a sarcastic smile before running towards the barrier and disappearing from view.
The redheaded boy stared at the barrier where he last saw the brunette girl before turning to see a group of six redheads and one black haired boy rushing towards him.
"Oh good Fred you're here! Let's go everyone, you'll miss the train! On you go Percy!" A redheaded woman frantically announced. The group of eight each ran toward the barrier individually before they were all on the other side.
Platform nine and three quarters.
The train let out it's last warning bell as the six children gave hugs to the older redheaded couple before hurriedly boarding the Hogwarts express. Fred was pulled aside by his mother, along with a boy that looked like a mirror image of him. The mother gave a stern look to the two of them.
"If you two boys get into trouble this year I will bring you straight back home. Your OWL year is very important, and you two need to focus on your studies. Look after your younger siblings," she reminded them seriously before bringing them in for a hug and firmly nudging them towards the train.
"Well, Georgie, looks like we have a bloody great year ahead of us," Fred looked at his mirror image with a grin spreading across his face.
George looked back at him with the same expression before hopping onto the train and giving a hand to his twin, who made it inside just before the doors closed and the horn sounded. The two strolled down the aisle, glancing into each compartment, before settling on one in the back of the train. Inside the compartment sat a boy their age, with dark skin and black hair, who immediately greeted them with a smile.
Frantic (Fred Weasley)
Hayran KurguFred Weasley just couldn't figure out the mystery that was Andy Sellers. Andy couldn't get over the butterflies that came to her stomach every time she saw Fred Weasley staring at her. A talented quidditch player meets the school's best prankster, a...