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The next day Ellie woke up and watered her plants.  She wanted to get done with all of her work quickly so that she could go see Alex.  At 8:30 in the morning she finally finished her farm work after trying so hard to maneuver the tools correctly.  This shouldn't of been so hard she thought I guess I really am a city girl.


As she walked into town she saw Alex right away.  He waved at her, making her heart leap.  

"Hey!" he called out to her.

"Hi!" she responded cheerily.  "Are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine." he said.  

He looked like he'd been crying earlier.

"What's wrong?"  she asked concerned  

"It's nothing." he said "You wouldn't understand."

"Try me." she responded, her tone switching from caring to defiant.  "When I was three my dad left leaving me with my grandparents who both died in a car crash.  I then got adopted by a single mother.  She was much better than my real mother though.  My real mother left too.  When I was two months old.  My life is just person after person leaving me in the care of another.  At least you have your real grandparents."

"Oh." he said in a quiet voice "I'm sorry, I guess you would understand."

"Then tell me." she said firmly "I just told you my story."

"Well, I the truth is, that my Dad was an alcoholic.  He abused my Mom.   One day he just got up and left.  After that my Mom got sick and died.  Now I live with my Grandpa and Grandma."

Ellie hugged him.

"I know it's hard." she whispered into his shoulder.

"Thank you."  he whispered into her hair, hugging her back. 

He didn't need to say anything else.

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