Part 18: What Really Happened

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Chief Branson told me I could release the hospital back to normal protocol. Having done so, I stay outside Ward B, nearly all night. The coroner arrived and left. With him went six bodies.

Three Patients.

Two Doctors.

One Orderly.

They wouldn't let me look at them. I don't know why- but I was unable to confirm their identities.

"Dr. Sharpe, come with me." Branson steps out of the Ward's door and signals for me. Getting up, my knees weak and shaken, I follow him in. "We have the second security camera's tapes, we'd like to review with you. Follow me...oh and fair warning- it isn't a pretty sight."

I nod and as I step out of the glass box, I'm horrified already. The whole Ward is destroyed. The big heavy rubber chairs are toppled over and thrown everywhere, there's blood and shit all over the walls, and on the floor, just inside the common area, is a massive pull of blood. I stop and stare at it.

"A doctor had his head stomped in. Unrecognizable, I'm afraid. The coroner is going to see if he can get any kind of DNA off of him so that we can contact next of kin." My stomach curls and I close my eyes tightly for a few minutes. "You okay, Dr. Sharpe."

I cover my mouth and nod my head. Between the foul smell and the thought of that possibly being Max's blood- let alone anyone's disturbs my stomach.

"I'm fine. Proceed." I follow him down and we pass the rooms now. There is a blood trail leading into one of the padded sells and another big pool of blood.

"Another doctor- female. We can't find her ID badge yet. I'm having my men check all the patients for it." Dear lord another one of mine. "Here we are."

The small room, is blackened and the only thing on is the monitors. Branson gestures for me to sit and I do. He sits down beside me and adjusts himself slightly.

"Now, from what we watched: most of your people followed procedures to a T. There was that one male doctor however- who fed into the probably. The audio picks up a bit of what was said, but it's still quite fuzzy. Now, bare in mind that this is raw footage and is quite gruesome in places." I nod and he hits play.

*** Third POV***

A still scene. Every patient is in there respected places. It's calm. No one bothers anyone else. An orderly comes in Hallway A near the common area. Stepping into The Common Area: a female orderly looks at a male orderly.

"Check ups are in two minutes. Got three of the new doctors coming up. Gotta be extra cautious today." She says to him plainly while watching some of the patients watch tv and others sitting calmly with books or at puzzle stations.

"I'm not too worried. Since some of the changes up here: we haven't had a bad day." An older man with a graying beard comes over to them; his nails filed to perfect points. "Mr. Martin. This is a first. Haven't seen You leave your room in a while."

"I heard you say doctors are coming up?" He asks weakly.

"Yes, Dr. Goodwin, Dr. Jackson, and Dr. Shin." The male orderly states.

"Dr. Shin? I never heard of him before. What's his first name?"

"Calvin...or Castro...."

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