Part 19: Forward

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I expected Callie would have come for me after that interview, but she didn't months of waiting and the biggest threat that occurred was Luna refusing to eat her broccoli. Time flew by like a bullet train and with it the subsiding guilt. Max had been reassuring this whole time. He has been with me at some of the craziest moments of my pregnancy and after I explained to Brantley what he did in the Code Black,  she agreed that Max should receive something. I had a big suggestion for her and let's just say, pregnant women always get what they want the second they seem over emotional. Sitting in my old office, I sit down in my red chair and look at all the hard work Iggy helped me with. When I say helped: I really mean he moved every piece of furniture back into it and moved all of Max's back to his office- with the help of Martin, Lauren, and Casey that it. It had been a very long morning, but at 9 months- there's not much for me to do. I can't stand for too long and I'm constantly in the bathroom or napping.  Looking at my phone it's already 7:45. I should greet Max, but by the time I get down there- it would be more work than necessary. 

Max and I are still living separately: even though I'm literally about to pop like a balloon. He insisted that one of us move into the other's home- but I refused. Now, it wasn't because I don't love Max or Luna: it's purely because I don't want him to feel he needs to change his whole life for me and the baby. I'm not making the big decisions- like moving in together or moving or anything like that. I know Max said he'd be here for me no matter what: but I still want him to feel like he can make any decision despite what I think or want. No pressure applied. It makes him nervous though- especially at this moment in time. I could go into labor at any passing moment. He's worried that I'm still living alone, still working, and still being stubborn with everything else. My thought process is that if I go into labor- one it will most likely be at work: because 95% of the time I'm here or at my house or Max's because those are the only other places I am. Now, if it happens at my house and Max isn't there, it's not like I couldn't get an ambulance to my house. I only live two blocks from the Dam.

"Jesus! Helen! You scared me!" Max jumps as he opens the door and finds me inside at his used to be desk.

"Haha, Good Morning!" I try to stand up, but it's difficult. Noticing my struggle, Max comes around the desk and helps me up. My protruding belly keeps us apart as he gives me a hug and a kiss.

"Morning...Helen? Why is all your stuff in my office?" He looks around and notice all my photos on the wall and my chair and couch. Everything back to how it was. See, after Max had to become a G.P, I had no other office for him than my old one. So he moved into mine and the new Head of Oncology went to Castro's. It was a bit of an odd situation: having a general practitioner in Oncology, but no one really said anything either.

"This is so obviously my office. I mean- look. It has all my stuff in it." He furrows his brows and become confused.

"Baby, are you really this bored that you're changing offices?  Where's all my stuff at?" Looking around there's not a shred of Max in here...besides Max of course.

"In your office, silly." Placing my hands on his shoulder, I gaze up at him with a huge smile.

"Honey make no sense. This is my office."

"No Mr. Medical Director- this is my office."

"Helen, this game isn't funny."

"It's not a game! Brantley made you Medical Director again!" Happily shaking him, he looks down at me and he doesn't seem excited.

"But you're Medical Director..."

"Deputy." I say.

"Please tell me you're joking."

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