"Chapter 13"

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[[Chapter 13]]: “Having No idea, what to do in times like these”

 Individual’s quote: “Simple but tough, it’s always the stubborn ones that stick out”

 [[Japanese Class]]

“Students”, Mr. Tankan pauses biting his apple and said “You’ll be working in groups of four, please choose your partners to create the ultimate cherry blossom act”.

Chrissi, decided to join Victoria which only constants of Lyssa since all of them were seated it was bit awkwardly Mr. Tankan had forgotten there was a new student besides the door as he announced

“Oh my apologizes come in young man, class we have a new student by the name of Josh Huterson”, he said

Victoria realizes that’s the guys she met last time behind the Pandora Bakery in the alleyway throwing out the trash, she thought “Who’s attending here”, when Josh walks in standing in front of the class making the female students heads over heels for his charms he introduced himself

“Hi, I’m Josh Huterson it’s a pleasure to be here”, he flashes his sensational smile making the girls heart flutters but the guys seem piss off as Mr. Tankan directs him over to join Victoria she began getting nervous as Chrissi sucks her teeth in annoyance

“Aren’t you going to sit down or what I have notes to copy”, Chrissi rolls her eyes as Josh apologies

“Sorry, my bad”, Josh quickly takes his seat as Victoria glares at Chrissi to be nice and spoke

“It’s not your fault, and hi we meet again”, Victoria smiles and Josh recognizes she was the girl from before taking out the trash.

“Yeah, how unusual we met again in this class Miss Watson”, Josh smirks

“You guys really shush, Mr. Tankan might call it to translate this question on the board”, Lyssa warns until Mr. Tankan finally caught them talking and exclaimed seriously

“Josh, do mind translating this sentence”, he asks but Josh didn’t seem to panic like Lyssa would shaking her head when Chrissi and Victoria mumbles

“Can he do it”, they said under their breaths watching Josh who yawns and said


English translation: “In this society people idiots are immature to government rules.”

Josh stun everyone in the class include Mr. Tankan, Victoria, Chrissi and Lyssa was more the shock getting her headache thinking to herself “He spoke so fluently, is half Japanese”, suddenly Chrissi I-phone vibrated in her pocket as she pulls it slowly to realize it was Lay texting her as she thought about yesterday.

I---Flashback: Starry Sky---I

Lay, was in the kitchen making pop corn whilst Chrissi was leaning on the balcony railing she whispers in song sing

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