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As I slowly enter the mansion I see my twin- brother laying on the floor covered in blood

"Z..Zack" tears running through my face in anger I scream "WHO DID THIS !! WHAT HAPPENED!"

Everyone was gathered in black clothings from top to bottom mourning except for one.. my DAD.

Despite Zack being is only son he showed no emotions towards his death. How could he just stand there not doing nothing despite him being one of the biggest mafias going - not trying to find out who murdered his own son- his own heir to TIGER(the gang name) .

I sat besides Zack on the floor cherishing the moment we had with each other .The days where he would sneak to come visit you with loads of sweets and clothings knowing he would be in big trouble if our parents found out and yet he didn't care . The days where he would help me train in boxing so I was able to become a better fighter. My heart soon shatters completely , how could anyone be so messed not one place was not cut throughout his body , looking at his body would make one even puke, he never deserved this he was the type of guy who put up a smile even though he was going through a lot.

I turn towards my father so I could face him.
"Who - who did this "
"I do not know , they is no trace to help us find the murderer" I laugh to my self he hid me for many years claiming I was in 'danger' and yet he couldn't even protect his own son not even that but find out who killed him .

"Jaebum is looking for a lead' he says almost emotionless glancing at the dead body then to me.Despite my brother being dead next to me I couldn't resist but smile when I heard his name.

I've have the biggest crush on Jaebum since him and his gang befriended us. He became my brothers best friend and a son-like to my father

He had black hair in a mullet which looked 🥵🥵🥵 it reached passed his eyebrows along with his glistering shaped eyes ,his nose which was almost perfect and his wide, thin pink li-SHUT UP Y/N
how Could I possibly be thinking about him when my brother is no longer alive.

my father soon orders the people to take Zack away so we can prepare for his funeral. The guards had lifted Zack up gentle manner and took him away he may be dead but everyone had respected him, he was nothing like my father. Zack had dealt with things differently which father had disapproved with.

I hug my mum tightly as we both shed tears as I confirm her that everything will be okay and that he is watching us from above. A few hours passed and the funeral finally started I see Jaebum enter the room he came towards me and giving me a hug, I couldn't help but burst into tears until the thought of a perfect revenge popped in my head .

Hey guys that is the end for chapter 2 i thought I'd give you quick summary about y/n . She has one brother which is now dead and She's had a crush on tae since the gangs befriended each other (3 years ago) . She's been trained in fighting incase she's in a bad situation.
Here a roughy pic of jb and how he looks in this story

Here a roughy pic of jb and how he looks in this story

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