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Cherry pov

After the photos of me and haywoon got leaked by dispatch fans were so supportive and sweet but that doesn't mean the hate was gone but the positive comments were more than the hate ones .

And the positive energy gave me power and energy for our dream comeback ridin , fans are really excited to see the m/v and to be honest I feel like this concept is going to blow up .

And the guys were supportive and they joke about them being single and tease me when I am talking to haywoon , I even moved dorms to live with haywoon since it was more closer to the company so why not and to be close with him .

" Ok cut lets warp up for today"

Cheers and claps were heard from our staff trying to cheer us up after the exhausting day of filming ridin

I bid goodbye to the guys and went to haywoon dorm .

I opened the door and sighed with relief when I removed the shoes from my sore feet and fell on the couch,looks like haywoon wasn't home since it was silence .

I saw our dog Casper coming my way and jumped on me making me Chuckle , Casper favor me for some reason and hate haywoon but I guess haywoon is trying to make Casper love him .

Hours passed and I showered and made dinner for us it was midnight now which confused me because haywoon never come late but maybe he got some late schedules .

Suddenly the door opened with force and I saw haywoon iconic blue hair but he looked mad.

"Hey baby "

His face softened when he heard my voice but then turned more furious than before which scared me . He took steps my away and I was frozen in my place expecting him to hug me or something but I was only met that he pinned me to the wall.

" What the fuck haywoon ?!!!"

" Shhhhhhh "

I felt his hands move down to my waist and I felt extra uncomfortable.

" Come here sweetie why are so tense or do you like your members to touch you but not your boyfriend"

I looked at him confused

" What the hell are you talking about haywoon my members are like big brothers to me ..."

He stopped me by dragging me to his bedroom and Casper was barking at haywoon so haywoon stopped walking and kicked Casper making him fly to the wall , I gasped loudly and tried hard to run to Casper but haywoon held me more stronger , he opened his bedroom door and throw me at the bed and then hovered on top of me .

" Haywoon what are you doing"

My voice was shaking at the thoughts inside my head

" Shut up bitch and let me do my work "

He raised his voice at me it was the first time he ever acted like that haywoon was always sweet and caring. I pushed him away from me and backed until my back hit the bed cupboard.

" Haywoon I don't know what are you thinking about but I talked to you that I am not comfortable with you touching me "

I saw anger in his eyes because I pushed him , he jumped on me and started doing things I didn't like I cried for help and tried pushing him away but ended up being cuffed to the bed , I felt disgusted I wasn't ready and I didn't feel comfortable every moment felt like i didn't know haywoon at all I tried to think this was a nightmare but it was to real to be a nightmare , and after what he took what he wanted from me he left telling me to clean up Before he come back , cold water hit my skin as I held my body close to myself I felt dirty and I still feel his hands on me , people say when you do it with your other half you will enjoy but I didn't,I didn't even want to do it in the first place .

Next day

I woke up feeling extremely sore and flashbacks started coming back .

I went out and felt disgusted from his face when I saw him but I tried not to show him.

" Are you sore babe"

I nodded at him scared to speak

" Use your mouth sweet heart"

" What is wrong with you haywoon"

" What ? There is nothing wrong with me "

I slammed my hands on the table but he didn't even budge from his place but he only glared at me

" why did you do that yesterday ?"

My voice came as a whisper but I am sure he heard me because he threw his mug of coffee and slammed me against the door

" I do what the fuck I want to do "

His voice was dark and deep make me shiver , but I pushed him away clearly done with his bullshit


he slammed me again against the door but this time he was chocking me , I felt air get knocked out from my lungs but I tried my best to calm down .

" Don't raise your voice at me you know I can do it again but rougher and Harsher "

I felt tears trying to come out but I tried my best to held them back

" Get off me "

I pushed him off and his back hit the wall .

" You are not going anywhere and if I knew you went anywhere I am going to do something bad and you know I won't hesitate to post something about you and I guess you heard I have bad reputation so I don't think I will care about it right now , I can ruin you cherry "

I took a step towards him

" Are you threaten me because I am not scared and I will go out whenever I want I have mv filming"

He took a step closer to me and rised his hand I was expecting him to slap me so I closed my eyes but I didn't feel anything when I looked he was smirking at me while getting the dorm keys from beside me and came closer to my ears and whispered

" Sweetie I wasn't threatening you I was promising you and the hand you just thought would hit you will hit you without Mercy if you put a feet out of this dorm "

He took the keys and went out I quickly wore something and my phone was vibrating it was jaemin calling I was late .

I didn't care about what haywoon said he would never touch me , or that what I thought .

Note: part two is going to drop tomorrow just wanted to say something, if you ever got treated like that then girl he wasn't the one for you because if you love each other or not if you are not ready he should respect you because girl this isn't love this is abuse .

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