Chapter 4

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                            Bentley grabs Joey by his collar and starts to pull him out the side exit.

                                                                        I run after them both

Harley: Bentley! Wait!

                                            Bentley pulls Joey outside and tosses him to the ground

Bentley: Stand up

                                                  Bentley shrugs off his jacket and pulls off his shirt

                                                  Bentley shrugs off his jacket and pulls off his shirt

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Bentley: Let's go fucker. Stand up. Want to put your hands on a female? Put your hands on me!

                                               Joey stands up and smirks cockily before taking a swing

                                  Bentley dodges and punches him right in the jaw. Joey stumbles back. He gets back up swinging. All Harley can do is stare. Frozen in place.

                              Bentley swings again and hits him right in the nose, Joey hits the ground. He turns around and looks at me before his eyes soften.

Bentley: Are you okay?

                           I just look at him as tears rolls down my face. Nodding because the words won't come out.

                        Bentley takes a step toward me and before I realize it, his arms are pulling me in for a hug.

Harley: Can we go? I don't want to be here anymore.

Bentley: Of course. Let's go tell your sister that I'm taking you home.

                    Bentley puts his shirt and jacket back on. We walk back in and find Peyton. Bentley keeps his arm around my shoulders as he tells Peyton what happened and that he is taking you home.

                Peyton agrees and says she will be home later as she dances with a guy she met.

Bentley: Let's go Harley.

              Nodding, I follow him as he grabs my hand and pulls me through the crowd.

             He walks toward the parking garage across the street. We get up to the second level and he walks with me right behind him as he approaches his motorcycle.

Harley: I've never ridden on a motorcycle before

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Harley: I've never ridden on a motorcycle before....

                   He chuckles and hands me a spare helmet. Starting the engine, it roars to life and makes me jump. My mouth going dry.

Bentley: It's not too bad. I'll keep you safe, I promise.

Harley: Okay. Let's go.

                 I pull the helmet on and swing my leg over. Pulling myself against his back and wrapping my arms around his muscular waist. My heart pounds in my chest as we take off toward my apartment.  I jump as Bentley's voice comes through the helmet.

Bentley: Are you okay back there?

Harley: Yes.....I'm okay...

Bentley: Good, hold on tight.

                     30 minutes later and we stop in front of my apartment complex. I get off and hand him the helmet back as he kills the engine.

Harley: Thank you again Bentley....

Bentley: You're welcome. Other than that asshole, I had a good time. Glad I ran into you...

Harley: Me too...

                   I smile and shift nervously from foot to foot while working my teeth against my lip. The silence isn't really uncomfortable, but I'm too nervous to say anything.

Harley: Well....thanks again

                                                  I turn to leave and feel Bentley gently grab my hand

Bentley: I've been thinking...

Harley: Oh? What about?

                                  He walks toward me and places his hand against my cheek, looking down at me. His green eyes look down at me and I can see questions playing in them. He leans down....closer...before he is only a breath away....

Bentley: Please?

                                                        My voice comes out in a breathless whisper

Harley: ....Yes....

                            He leans down and captures my lips. My eyes drift closed and my heart pounds as his lips move against mine. I moan softly and wrap my arms around his neck, and his arms automatically tighten around me. He softly scraps my bottom lip with his teeth before he pulls away. We are both breathless.

Bentley: Can I see you again?

Harley: I'd like that.

                       Smiling, I hand him my phone for him to put in his number. He types it in and hands it back to me. He straddles his motorcycle and smiles at me.

Bentley: Later

                    Winking at me, he pulls his helmet on, starts the engine, and drives away.

             I flush and instinctively my fingers touch my lips. Still feeling his kiss linger there.  

Peyton: Hey, why are you still outside?

Harley: AHHHHHH!!!

                                                               I jump and clutch my chest    

Harley: You scared the shit outta me! Holy bejesus!

                                             Peyton laughs loudly and loops her arm through mine. Walking toward our apartment.

Peyton: Tell me everything...

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