Chapter 34

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                                  My phone rings and it's Bentley.

Tristan: What?

                                    Bentley is telling him that Peyton is in the hospital and to sober up and support her or to stay away. He hangs up and is trying to figure out what to do. If he goes, will she want to see him? Tristan runs to the door and grabs his car keys. He heads to Florida Hospital. When he gets there he tells the nurses that he is her boyfriend even though he isn't. Otherwise they weren't going to let him back there. He gets down the 424. He knocks  on the door.

                                                                                  Knock Knock Knock

                                    He opens the door and peers in.

Tristan: Hey Peyton....

                                      He takes in the whole room. WHAT THE FUCK IS ASH DOING HERE???!!! His eyes dart from Peyton to Ash. WHY IS HE HOLDING HER HAND? Tristan is furious.

Tristan: What the fuck are you doing here?

Acheron (Ash): Peyton and I were on a date. What are you doing here?

                                    Tristan is seething, he points at Peyton.

Tristan: That's my fucking girlfriend you are touching!

Peyton: What the fuck Tristan? I am NOT your fucking girlfriend. I don't know why you are here!

Bentley: I called him.....I thought he deserved to know since y'all were seeing each other. Didn't think he would actually sober up and come.

Tristan: Man, fuck you Bentley.

Acheron (Ash): Hey man, what's your problem?


                                  Tristan lunges at Ash, Bentley catching him around the waist. Tristan punches Bentley right in the face, and he doesn't even flinch.

Tristan: Let me go! I'm fucking you up Ash!


                                   Tristan stands looking over Bentley's shoulder, clenching and unclenching his fists.

Peyton: Tristan?

                                       His eyes dart to Peyton's


Nurse Amanda: Excuse me? What's going on in here? There is shouting, and Peyton's blood pressure is spiking again.

Bentley: Sorry about that. He was just leaving.

                                      Tristan shoves Bentley

Tristan: Don't fucking touch me. Fuck all of you!

                                      Tristan turns around and leaves.


                                        Tristan just made a complete ass of himself. He said he was my boyfriend. WHAT THE FUCK?!! HE IS NOT MY BOYFRIEND!! Tristan lunges at Ash, and Bentley stops him. He fucking hits Bentley in the face.

Peyton: Tristan?

                                         He looks at me and I am so fucking angry


                                         The nurse comes in concerned.....I think her name was Amanda. Bentley tells Tristan to leave.  Tristan is such a fucking asshole. I'm done. Once he leaves, I look at Ash.

Peyton: I'm sorry. I didn't know y'all would know each other until I found out you worked at the shop. But Tristan and I haven't talked in days. HE IS NOT MY BOYFRIEND NOR WAS HE EVER. I just want you to know that Ash.

                                           She takes Ash's hand and smiles at him.

Acheron (Ash): It's okay. I'm not technically your boyfriend either...yet.... Tristan is an ass. Don't worry about it.


                                         The nurses won't let him go. He tried talking to one, but she was scared of him and ran out. They have guards at the doors and police stand in when the doctor is in here. I will get out if it's the last thing I do. Harley is mine.


                                                                                                        Knock Knock Knock

Peyton: Come in

Doctor Lillith: Hello Peyton. It's Dr. Lillith, may I speak to you?

Peyton: Sure. Do you know what's happening to me?

Doctor Lillith: We do. We did run a bunch of tests and double checked to make sure we were correct. I'd like to speak to you in private.

Peyton: Whatever it is, you can say it in front of them.

Bentley: Are you sure Peyton? We can step out.

Acheron (Ash): Absolutely. You have a right to your privacy.

Harley: Peyton, don't worry about it, we can go.

Peyton: Absolutely not. Everyone stays.

                                         She smiles and grabs Ash's hand

Doctor Lillith: Ok.....well the test results came back and I have good news and bad news.

Peyton: What's the bad news?

Doctor Lillith: You have high blood pressure right now, and will need to go on medication for awhile.

Peyton: Ok.....that's not great, but that isn't too bad.

                                        Peyton smiles at everyone

Peyton: What's the good news?

Doctor Lillith: You're pregnant...

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