Sehun - Arranged Marriage

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An arranged marriage wasn’t exactly something you’d had on your bucket list, but here you were. Not that you minded, because over the time being together so far, you’d fallen for the adorable giant. His silly mood swings, his endearing pouting, his ridiculous eating habits… you’d fallen in love with it all, and despite wishing you’d have met and done this all like a normal couple, you were content with what you had. You just weren’t always sure he was.

You tried your best to be good to him, as his friend and as his wife. You gave him space when he was mad, comforted him when he was sad, you had even slept on the sofa when the whole arranged marriage thing hit too close to home. But in return, Sehun did nothing. He never put any effort in to keeping the marriage alive, and that just lead you to believe he didn’t want it. 

So you began to think of all the ways you could get out of it. You began distancing yourself, spending lots of time out of the apartment to formulate some kind of plan to make Sehun’s life easier - meaning, you out of it. It takes over so much of your daily life, that when you come home one night, Sehun grabs you by the wrist and all but throws you down onto the sofa, demanding to know where you’ve been. 

“Where the hell have you been? It’s dark out! Do you know how dangerous it is for you to be out this late? Every night, too! I barely see you any more! Where do you go all this time?" 

"Why do you care? It’s not like you’re my husband or anything, right?” You shout back, equally as loud, and Sehun stumbles backwards a little surprised before his eyebrows furrow. 


"Well,” you reply smug, “it’s not like you’re my husband, are you? You’ve wanted out of this since it started, and for your information, I’ve spent the last few weeks trying to find a way out of it, but you know what, let’s just get a divorce.” You blurt without even thinking. You’re so mad. Him suddenly pretending to care? It drove you insane! “I don’t know why I spent so long trying to come up with a way that made you look like the good guy. Let’s just get a divorce. I’ll move out." 

"Hey, hey-” He starts as you move towards the bedroom. You’re opening your drawers and starting to pull things out when he grabs your wrist, tugging you back. “Don’t- Don’t say things like that.”

“Why not? You don’t care about this marriage, clearly, so why should I stick around?” He runs fingers through his hair in frustration, pulling you into his chest when you turn back to your things. A hand on the back of your head and the other tracing circles against your back, he growls. 

“Because I want to make this work." 

"Then why haven’t you been trying?" 

"Because I was scared. We were forced into this, so I figured you were just playing along. I didn’t think… I didn’t know you were as serious about this as I am.” You sigh, resting your forehead against his chest. Lacing arms around his waist, you nod.

“Then let’s try this. Both of us. Let’s put our all into it like we should. Okay, husband?”

“Okay, wife. Just- Just don’t ever scare me like that again." 


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