Kai - Christmas

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The last beat to the song rang out and you immediately dropped to the ground with exhaustion. You were an SM trainee and dancing was your strongest point. So whenever it was time for dance training sessions, they allowed you to have one private dance room for yourself instead of having to practise with the other trainees.


You turned and saw a dance instructor standing in the doorway. Behind him were the other trainees.

“Yes, sir?”

“The stereo in the other practice room is broken. We need this room. Do you mind?” he said.

“Oh, not at all,” you gathered your things as the other trainees filed into the room. You hoisted your backpack over your shoulder before bowing respectfully to the instructor and exiting the room.

You sighed and began walking down the hallways looking for an empty room. You passed rooms which you knew were full because of the music. Finally, you arrived at a room which was quiet. The door was slightly ajar, inviting you in.

You entered and placed your bags carefully on the floor. That was when you noticed him. EXO’s Kai. You admired him a lot and though you didn’t want to admit it, had a slight crush on him. He was always very calm and collected when you saw him in the hallways. You could hear his voice too when you passed by EXO’s practice room at times.

But right now he seemed a little different and he didn’t seem to have noticed you enter into the room. He continued to lean against the mirror with his back to you.

You quietly took a step back. It wouldn’t do to intrude on your seniors. You turned and creeped back to your bag when you heard him say your name. You froze and turned slowly, expecting him to be looking at you. But he was in the same position as before.

“(Y/N),” he said again and you opened your mouth to reply but he continued. “I-I don’t think you know who… Aish, that’s stupid.” He thumped his head against the mirror.

“(Y/N), I’m Kai. You probably know me because- Oh God, that sounds cocky,” he muttered and ruffled his hair.

It dawned upon you. He was trying to come up with something to say. To you.


“Kai, you chicken,” I mumbled and rested my forehead against the cool glass of the mirror. That was true. I was one hell of a chicken. I couldn’t even come up with something to say to (Y/N). The trainee.

The first time I saw her was in the hallways. She had a confident air about her though she still remained respectful and bowed deeply whenever she saw anyone.

I remembered watching her practice as well. She was an amazing dancer. The way her long, wavy dark hair flipped and body moved was mesmerising. Her voice was absolutely magical as well with her ability to hit high notes without any difficulty and without sounding like a dying cat.

I had to know her.

“Okay, let’s try this again,” I told myself. I looked into the mirror as if the answers lay in it and began. “(Y/N), I’ve been so in love with you since day one and you’re so- Oh shit, that just sounds creepy now.”

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