Chen - Day Off

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“Please~? Just once?”


“But why?”

“Because,” you gave a long suffering sigh. “I don’t want to.”

“That’s not a legit excuse!”

“Excuse me? But who are you to tell me what is and what is not a legit excuse?”

“The best boyfriend ever.”

“Psh,” you scoffed.

“The aegyo prince.”

“Exactly! You’re the aegyo prince! So you should be doing aegyo, not me!”

“But if I’m the aegyo prince then you should be my aegyo princess!”

“Clearly you have never seen my attempts at aegyo. You wouldn’t be calling me aegyo princess then,” you stated darkly.

“Of course I’ve never seen them! Because you behave exactly like you’re behaving now! And then I won’t have time to force it out of you because I have work. But not today! I’ve got the whole day to try and get some aegyo out of you!”

“I really should ask SM to reduce your days off.”

“Stop changing the subject! Aegyo. Now.”


Jongdae whined your name and pouted like a child.

“But why?” he pressed again. “It’s just a short thing! For me? Please~?”

“If I do it this once, will you stop bugging me about it?”


Pursing your lips, you stared hard into his innocent eyes. Finally, you sighed and gave in.

“Jongdae Oppa! ” you called out in a high pitched voice as you brought your fists to your cheeks and winked.

You dropped your fists and sighed with relief, “Whew, I’m glad that’s over. I hope you’re happy. Dae?”

His eyes were wide and his jaw slack as he stared at you. Your brows furrowed and you leaned closer wondering what was wrong with him.

“Ah, you’re so cute!” he shot forward and hugged you. “Again!”

“What? No!” you said indignantly. “You said only once!”

“Please?” he pleaded. “That was so cute. Please~?”

You sighed and mentally face-palmed yourself. This is never going to end.

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