Suho - Abs For You

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‘At the gym babe! I’ll be back in two hours :*
 Don’t miss me! - Suho’

You let out a soft ‘tch’ as you read the note finish. Two words that don’t go together, gym and Suho. He had always had a thing for not going to the gym no matter how hard you tried to bug him to go with you because of course, you were in shape and he wasn’t in such a bad one either but it wasn’t to the point where he has abs - which is something you find very sexy. But then again, as you read the note, it sounds a bit genuine and it may make sense considering the talk you two had a week ago…

“Baby! Stop staring at him, I’m right here.” Suho huffed irritatedly, hand cupping your chin to make you face him again. You snickered, flicking the lid of the water bottle open to take a chug of water. When you were done, you simply wiped off the trail of water at the corner of your lips with the back of your hand with a satisfied grunt, causing Suho to stare at you in awe. You smirked at him deviously with an eyebrow raised, “Do you want to stare all day? Pervert." 

He gulped and abruptedly looked away, “W-Who are you calling a pervert…”

A hand was placed at his cheek as you made him face you, “I am calling you a pervert. Mr. Boyfriend.” His cheeks flushed up with a slight shade of pink as he swallowed hard, his body tensing up as you looked away with a chuckle, releasing your hand on his cheek, “Calm down, Suho. He’s just my trainer.”

His head shot back at you in partial shock, “What?!”

You slapped a hand over his mouth, giggling. He shoved your hand away gently only to widen his eyes at you as he pointed back at forth from the guy over there, shirtless with an evident six pack before he pointed back on you, still gaping, “He is your t-trainer?”

You closed his mouth by tilting his chin up with two fingers, poking his nose after that, “Yeah, what about it?”

Again, he swallowed hard as he unintentionally looked over to your trainer - observing what your trainer was doing. Your trainer was simply doing sit-ups before he would do some jumping jacks and maybe lift some weights after that, the usual that he would make you do whenever it was your session with him as well. You noticed how his hands started to move in a way as if he was trying to check if he has muscles on his arms or some sort, you stiffled a laugh as you spoke up, “Are you going to leave me for him?”

"What?” He blurted out as he turned to face you. Realizing what you said, he shook his head vigrously, “N-No! Of course not! I freaking love you!”

Snorting, you shook your head, “I was kidding, Suho.”

He rolled his eyes at you, hushing you as he continued to look at your trainer - funny, you thought. The two of you were currently in the gym to be exact where you had just finished your workout session and Suho decided to just drop by to pick you up but he wanted you to get some rest by the nearby bench and table in the gym where you could still see other people working out. One person, being your trainer who was being looked at by your boyfriend. “Suho, are you done watching? Can we go?” You tried asking and he looked back at you before he glanced at the trainer but he did a double take at you. He hissed softly as he got up to walk around to table where he bent down, reaching for the towel around your neck before he dabbed it on your forehead, “How many times have I told you to wipe your sweat? If you let it dry up like this, it’s not good.”

“Sorry, mom.” You muttered in a chuckle and he pursued his lips, lowering it down as you leaned forward to let your lips touch for a small kiss. “That’s better.” He grinned before he was done wiping after the small kiss was over, standing up straight as he held onto your hand. He abruptedly let go and put the towel around your neck as he handed you your water bottle, “Wait for me outside, babe. I’ll be with you soon!”

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