Chanyeol - Not The Way It Used To Be

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The phone is ringing yet he doesn’t make any effort to get up to get it. He’s expecting for it to ring at least five to six times before the caller gives up but at the second ring, it stops there. What a—then he pauses his thoughts when he hears your voice; the one he hasn’t been listening to for a while now that when he does, it’s when he’s standing by the door, peeking through a small gap because how did it ever get like this? How did an argument blow up to many days of not talking to one another, how did one petty little thing break the both of you apart?

How did something so small tear something so important? But then he thinks about it and… no, it’s not about the little thing that breaks things down; it’s what the both of you become after that little thing. It’s not even little to begin with—it has been compiling up for weeks and he knows you know it too. Unspoken fights, misunderstandings and stood up dates; longer days, darker, gloomier and when you combine it altogether, it turns into the downfall of your love with Chanyeol.

“Yes?” he hears you answering.

“Uhm…” he hears you hesitating.

“I don’t know—I… I really don’t know,” he hears you confused.

“Maybe… maybe we’re not for each other anymore,” he hears you confessing.

“I-I do! But…” he hears you stuck midsentence, your fingers playing with the hem of your shirt and he knows you’re about to say something he doesn’t want to hear, things that he’ll be praying you meant otherwise, words that could poach through his heart and he’ll have to pretend like it’s nothing but he does; he stays and listens to the words he wish you never did, to words you’d never say, speaking words of a promise that was broken.

“Maybe I… maybe I don’t love him the way I used to anymore.”

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