Kai - Day Off

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“I LOVE YOU!! I LOVE YOU, YEOBO. ILOVEYOUILOVEYOUILOVEYOUILO-“ Kai’s shouting were cut off as you smacked a hand over his mouth.

“People are staring at us!” you said in a hushed giggle.

It was true. There were many other couples there on the terrace of Seoul Tower. You hoped no one recognised him. If not, the rest of his day off would be spent hiding from fans.

He pushed your hand off and said, “Only because you’re so gorgeous.”

You blushed and hit his arm before changing the subject.

“What are we doing here anyways?” you ask.

He grinned and pulled out a heart shaped lock with a matching key and a marker pen.

“We’re still young”, he said. “But I honestly can’t imagine my life without you anymore. So… Do you promise to marry me when we’re older?” he asked and bit his lip, holding up the padlock.

You blushed but nodded. He handed you the padlock and the marker.

“Write a message for me”, he grinned. “I’ll write on the other side of the lock.”

You looked around for a flat surface for you to write on the padlock but could find none.

“Turn around”, you ordered him and gestured at him to face away from you.

He raised an eyebrow questioningly but turned around anyway.

You placed the padlock against his back and carefully wrote a message down.

“YAH! Stop wriggling!” you snapped, trying to make your writing as neat as possible.

“I’m ticklish over there”, he whined and twisted around some more.

“Just- hold still, alright?”

He sighed but stopped squirming around.

You finished off your message and handed the padlock to him. He immediately started to read your message out loud.

“Oppa”, he began. You tried to cover his mouth with your hand again but he ducked away and held you at arm’s length to prevent you from stopping him.

“Ahem. Where was I?” he smirked before continuing. “Oppa, you’re the best and I hope we’ll be together forever and ever. Awww.”

He pinched your cheek.

“My yeobo’s so cute”, he cooed at you. You shoved at him and pressed your hands against your burning cheeks.

“Aish… If I write something mean, you’ll complain. When I write something nice, you tease me”, you glared at him.

He laughed and said, “Okay okay. You can tease me about what I write, okay?”

He held the padlock up and started scribbling something on it. Curiosity won over and you headed over to peek at what he was writing. He leaned away from you, blocking your view of the padlock at the same time.

“Ani!! You can only see it after I’m done writing. Shoo!!” he motioned at you to go away.

You rolled your eyes at his childishness but went over to read the messages on some of the other padlocks. The couples were all so cheesy and romantic, it made you shudder.

Suddenly, Kai’s arms came around you and he placed the padlock in your hands.

“Read it”, he whispered in your ear.

_________-ah. I love you more than anything else in the world. Others may think this is just a teenage crush and we’ll get over it soon but you are my life. You’ll never just be another girl. Because you are The Girl. The One. I promise I’ll put a ring on your finger one day. Just wait for me. I love you.

You twisted in his arms to face him.

“You really mean it?”

He nodded and smiled at you, “Shall we lock it now?”

He pulled you to the railing and held it ready to be locked. You placed your hand over his so you’d be closing the padlock as well.

“On three”, he said, grinning. “One, two… three.”

Your joined hands pressed the padlock closed at the same time and he leaned in to kiss you.

When he finally pulled away, he looked down at the key in his hand and handed it to you.

“Keep it”, he said. “In case you change your mind about me, because I know I’m never going to change my mind about you so it would be completely pointless for me to have this key.”

You looked down at the key in your hand. Making your decision, you threw it over the side of the railing.

You looked back at him and said, “I’m never changing my mind about you either. I love you.”

You stood on your toes and kissed him.

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