D.O - Christmas

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"Honey," you gently shook Kyungsoo as he lay fast asleep snuggled against his pillow.

"I don't wanna go to school today, Mom," he grumbled into his pillow.

Your eyes widened and you stifled a laugh. He thought you were his mother? Chuckling to yourself, you decided to have a little fun with him.

"Kyungsoo~" you called again as you wrapped your arms around his torso from the back. Scrunching your nose up at his unresponsiveness, you trailed your fingertips lightly down his chest and tickled his stomach. He finally responded when you nipped lightly at his exposed shoulder blade.

Sitting up abruptly, he squirmed out of your hold and turned around to give you his signature round-eyed stare.

"Mom, wha- Oh," he stopped awkwardly.

"Morning," you smiled cheerily at him.

"But- Mom- I- What- Never mind," he sighed and got up from the bed just as a loud crash was heard coming from the other side your bedroom door.

"OMMA!" a shrill voice shrieked followed by the thump of two sets of footsteps.

The door to your bedroom was flung open allowing your five year old daughter and your Maltese dog to rush in.

"APPA!" she screeched just as loudly and rushed into his arms as the dog skidded to a stop at the foot of your bed and hopped up onto the bed. "APPA, I'M REALLY SORRY BUT IT WASN'T MY FAULT."

"Okay, calm down, Soojin, calm down," Kyungsoo said firmly. "Now, what is it that isn't your fault?"

Your daughter's lip trembled as she gazed at him with her huge, brown eyes that she had inherited from him.

"Do you promise you won't get mad?" she squeaked out, looking absolutely terrified.

"I promise," he held out his little finger and intertwined it with hers for confirmation.

"Well, I broke- I mean, JAE broke one of the photo frames," she pointed accusingly at your dog which whined in response and lowered its head sadly.

"How?" you asked.

"Well, Jae and I were playing ball in the living room. And I- I mean, JAE kicked the ball towards the mantle above the fireplace. So, it hit the photo of you and Appa," her voice was small and she immediately clung to Kyungsoo knowing that you weren't as tolerant as he was.

"Do Soojin," you began.

"Aw, come on, sweetie," Kyungsoo sighed earning a slight giggle from Soojin. "It was just a mistake. And it's Christmas Eve! Cheer up!"

"Kyungsoo!" you snapped angrily and stood up. "If you keep going like this, she's never going to learn!"

"But it's Christmas Eve! You shouldn't b-"

"It's always something, Kyungsoo! You keep making excuses for her! It's after school, you say, let her relax! Oh, she's going to school, don't make her cry! It's bedtime, it's bad to cry before going to sleep! It's always one thing or another! So when exactly are you going to stop spoiling her?"

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