Part Eight: Feeding on Lies

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He first noticed the chill. That one small second where the tempature dropped a full thirty degrees, then stabilized itself after. Jack popped his eyes open and sat up quickly. The storm kept on blowing outside, but something was different about it. Now it seemed it was... Satisfied. Still violent, but not throwing a tantrum.

Elsa. He thought passively. You sly Queen. Jack flung out if his bed and down the hallway. He went to bang on the door, but it was already cracked open.

"Anna?!" He shouted. No response. "Anna!" He said again. Nothing. Finally Rapunzel came running into the room with Merida, a look of terror on their faces.

"What is it Jack?" Rapunzel asked.

"What's the matter?" Merida said thickly.

"Anna's gone." Jack confirmed, pushing past them and to the front door. He pushed on it. But the wood didn't budge. He tried again, but no luck. Then he looked out the window in the door, seeing why this door seemed impossible to open.

"Anna!" Jack yelled in frustration. She had froze the door shut. Then Merida gasped, her eyes bugged, and when she spoke next, her words were icy rage.

"That snow brat took my Angus!" She shouted. She looked over to Jack in disbelief. Both he and Rapunzel were just as surprised as she was. "When we save her," Merida started. "I'm going to kill her."


"Anna? Are still coming? Are you okay?" Elsa asked with fake worry in her voice.
Elsa was strolling around the parlor on the second floor of the castle. Polaris ran around in circles, his claws clicking on the icy floor.

Anna smiled at the concern in her sisters voice. This meant she genuinely cared. She drove Angus to go faster. She could almost sense the castle, see what it would look like...

The castle of her childhood.

"I'm fine Elsa. I'm on my way. Don't worry.". Her heart was swelling with the simple feeling of being wanted again. Her sister actually wanted her help. Needed her aid. I won't let you down. Anna thought silently to herself so Elsa couldn't hear. I won't lose you again.

"I'm glad. It over fills me with joy to know you're coming to help me." Elsa smilied. Some of the happiness in her voice was genuine. Only because Elsa knew Anna could be mere minutes away from her life of torment.

"I'd like you to meet my friend then too." She said referencing to Polaris. The fact that the young white wolf was missing an eye would certainly catch Anna off guard, if not disturb her.

Then she saw it. Up ahead was a beautiful building, entirely made of ice, and just barely visible thought the fog and haze of the blizzard. The perfect glow from it made the castle stand out against everything. It was absolutely beautiful. Anna was to stunned to even tell Elsa of her arrival. But she figured her sister already knew. She stopped Angus, getting off him and ordering him to stay put at the bottom of a large stair case. It look like a bridge but it still had the ruts of stairs. Angus gladly stayed there, and with out hesitation Anna began to run. She ran as fast as her legs would go, and across the darkly blue colored ice bridge, a pure white trail emitted from herself. Her own power. Right down the center.

Finally she reached the end. Only to asend another stair case, leading up to the front door. She took these steps slower and hesitated on knocking. She had been so confident! Now she could only feel her nerves wanting to explode. Pulling her whitts together she went to make contact with the ice, but suddenly stopped when the door slowly opened itself. Anna gulped down her nervousness then entered.

It was a large foyer. Pretty plain but having a chandelier hanging from the ceiling to brighten it up. For a few moments she stared in awe, nearly tripping over her feet. Then she finally stabilized herself and looked ahead at a large spiral stair case, split down the middle and placed on both sides of the room. It was so quiet in the room, Anna thought this was a dream.

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