1(I rly just cant think of the chapter titles)

636 15 18

Third person's POV

    "Up!Get up!Now!"

    Harry jerked awake,he rolled over,trying to muffle the painful screeches.

    "Up this instant and get dressed!" Harry's Aunt Petunia rapped on the door.Harry could hear her walk back to the kitchen and then,the sound of the toaster tinging(I have no other idea to describe the sound).Harry groaned inwardly and rolled back on his back, facing the ceiling.

    Aunt Petunia was outside his room again.

    "Are you up yet?" her shrill voice rang through the door.


    "Well,hurry up and get dressed, I need you to shell the peas, fry the bacon and weed the flowerbed in the fenced backyard, make sure the neighbours don't see you!"

    The summer holidays had started normal enough for Harry Potter in Privet Drive.He woke up everyday to Aunt Petunia's yells and screeches, chores to do, occasional beatings from Dudley, regular(almost) whipping and abuse from Uncle Vernon.

    Yep,totally normal.

    Harry does all this without complaint, partly because it kept his mind  his mind off the loss of Cedric and Sirius and helped(a teeny bit) with his emotional state.

    That was of course before a letter came from Pansy Parkinson, a friend of his arch-enemy, Draco bloody Malfoy, requesting for a truce between their groups(Zabini, Parkinson and Malfoy versus Weasley, Granger and Potter).She also must have sent letters to his two best friends, Ron and Hermione,because, not long after, Harry had owls from both.

    Hermione was all for the truce,while Ron's letter said plainly he thought it was a bad idea, however,Harry for one, was with Hermione, he was just so tired and emotionally drained to fight with Malfoy anymore.

    To make things even wierder, it seems she din't even consult Malfoy about it, probably not Zabini either.Harry had a letter from Draco Malfoy, yep, Malfoy himself sent a letter to Harry,seemingly explaining that it was all a small, misunderstanding.Harry thought his letter had been rather civil......he seemed embarresed or even......scared?

    "Nope, no way,"Harry shook his head, as if to clear those disturbing, if alarming thoughts,"I'm not ever going to be friends with that arrogant prat."

    Even as he said it, he found himself disappointed at the fact that Malfoy dint want to be friends or even, a truce. Now he had to waste his time and energy defending himself from Malfoy's sly remarks and mean comments.

    "Damn it, why cant I have a normal year?"

Draco's POV

  I can't believe Pansy did that! I mentally repeated this in my head for the 100th time since yesterday when Pansy told me what she did.What even possesed her to do that!!! I thought desperately  to myself.

    Of course,I immediately wrote a letter to all three of the golden trio,explaining that it was all a misunderstanding.

    After sending my owl(Idk the name, I even searched google so ima just give it a name coz why not?),Hades,to deliver the letter,I turned to Pansy and started to threaten her.

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