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(A/N):Okay so,I realised like I hv so many typos,coz I read through it like 3 times and found some every single time.
So,if you see any mistakes or so,pls dun hesitate to inform me,so I can change it(Im very set on good grammar, spelling and etc,it is my first ff).

Anyways,on with the story!!!

Harry's POV

It's already past eleven o'clock, Dumbledore still hasn't come, I knew it was too good to be true.

Something might have gone wrong, my answer to Dumbledore(it was a yes,if u guys din't know) could have gone astray; Dumbledore could be prevented from collected me; the letter might turn out to be not from Dumbledore,but a trick,joke or even a trap.

But, this was all possibilities, none could be true.

The only gesture I made to the possibility of the journey was to shut Hedwig safely in her cage,the moment she came back from sending the letter to Hermione about Dumbledore's letter. Other than that,I had not packed my trunk, I could not face packing just to let down and having to unpack again.

Just as the minute hand on my alarm clock reached number twelve,the streetlamp outside my window went out, leaving me in darkness,unable to see what happened outside.

I managed to find my bedside lamp and turned it on,giving some light to my room.Able to see again,I pressed my nose against the window and squinted down the pavement in semi-darkness.I could just make out a tall figure in a long, billowing cloak walking up the garden path.

I jumped as though I received a electric shock and knocked over my chair,I started to snatch anything and everything in reach and throw it unceremoniously into my expectant but empty(not totally) trunk,hoping to be able finish packing before Dumbledore rang the doorbell.

Even as I ran around like Flash,trying to pack(throwing stuff into my trunk) as fast as possible, forgetting my recent injuries from the previous punishment from Uncle Vernon,the doorbell rang.

I cursed under my breath when Uncle Vernon shouted in the living room downstairs,"Who the blazes is calling at this time of the night?"


I completely forgotten to warn the Dursleys( those magic-hating motherf*ckers) that Dumbledore was coming.I doubled my pace until I was just a blur(not literally) of colours, desperate to finish packing.

I finally finished and wrenched open my bedroom door,dragging my trunk along,just in time to hear Dumbledore's deep voice say,"Good evening(I personally think it should be morning tho).You must be Mr Dursley.I daresay Harry have told you I would be coming for him?"

*****TIME SKIP( Harry got his wand back )*******

Harry's POV(Again)

After I managed to convince Slughorn to take the post as a teacher in Hogwarts,Dumbledore dropped me off at the Burrow by Side-Apparation(After having that wierd and 'private' talk in a smelly and spidery broomshed).God,how I hate Disapparating.

"Have a great time,Harry,"Dumbledore murmured,"I'll see you again at the start of the term,"

"Yea...right....uhm....goodbye?"I mumbled back,bit dazed by the oh so 'sirius' talk(pun intended,I'm sry,sry TuT).

I raised my hand to knock, but the door already opened and Tonks nearly walked into me.

"Wotcher,Harry,"Tonks said glumly, looking slightly suprised,her hair was mousy and she looked drawn,ill even,"I was just leaving."


Dumbledore moved into the light,"Ah,Nymphadora, pleasure to see you,I trust you are well?"

"Hullo professor,I'm doing great,now I really gotta go,stuff to do."

I din't believe her,but before I could say anything,Mrs Weasley came out from behind Tonks,wearing an old green dressing-gown.

"Harry! We weren't expecting you until tomorrow mid-morning," Mrs Weasley exclaimed.

"Well, Slughorn was persuadable than expected, Harry's doing, of course," Dumbledore explained everything calmly.

Tonks interrupted,she had been standing there awkwardly while Mrs Weasley,Dumbledore and I conversed, "Well, I best be off now,see you around, Harry,"


With that,Tonks walked past Dumbledore and I, into the yard, a few steps beyond the doorstep and she turned, disappearing into thin air.

Dumbledore nodded knowingly, "Goodbye.....Harry.....",he said,following Tonks,and disappearing into thin air,but not before giving me a small smile.

Mrs Weasley closed the door on the now-empty yard and steered me by the shoulders to the kitchen,wanting to feed me up and fuss over how thin I was.I flinched a bit,as she put her hands down a little too firmly for my liking,making my broken but healing ribs hurt a little,but luckily she din't notice,too busy getting something for me to eat.

And that's how I stayed in The Burrow for the remainings of the holiday with my friends(Hermione came a few days earlier).

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