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(A/N): Yep,guys, here is your 'maybe-maybe' chapter, your last one. From me, ofc, my fren will be continueing it, with my help, it will be at this account, GalaxyBTSARMY . GO GET IT, READERS!

On with the last chapter I will ever write for you guys.....

Harry's POV

And now, I'm alone. Yay, great, wonderful. Ughhhhh, so boring, and....lonely......


One more day to go, Harry, you can last this........ I tried to convince myself, suceeding, just a little bit.

"Ughhhhhhh," I groaned aloud, and flopped down on the bed, my head really felt fine now, in fact, I felt as good as new. Too bad Madam Promfrey is so paranoid, eh, how can I blame her, I literally find myself in here at some point of every. Single. Year.

I punched the air in frustration, I looked back at the homework sitting at the side of the bed, I groaned again, might as well get this over with.

I sat up and pulled the parchment over to me, took up the quill and started writing......

Draco's POV

Transfiguration was finally over! I had a break after this, before having to go up to Charms. I packed up my stuff and all but darted out the door.

I was excited to see Harry again, but really, I had no idea how much I missed his company, his smile and his positive way of seeing the good in everyone, even a 'slimy' Slytherin like me! I literally bullied him for 6 years, just because he didn't take my hand in first year, I mean, it was my fault, I insulted the first friend he made in Hogwarts. I didn't mean for it to carry on to now, I just didn't want him to find out about my crush on him.......

Well, yeah, I suppose it was sorta extreme........

I halted in front of the infirmary, huh, that was fast, I realised I was panting slightly, oh, must have ran here........

Anyway, I brushed myself down, calmed my breathing and tried to look decent, instead of a person who ran all the way here from the Transfiguration classroom, yeah, because I totally did not do that.

Nope, not at all.

Damn, must have underestimated my crush on him.

I pushed open the door seperating me and my crush/ companion, to be greeted with the adorable sight of him concentrating over a piece of parchment, tounge stuck out and a face of utter concentration.I inwardly cooed at it. He looked up when he heard my brisk footsteps coming towards him. His eyes lit up and I felt my frustration melting.

"Hey, Harry, what are you doing?"

"Homework, I'm almost done, be with you in a minute," he said, beaming, turning back to his work with a new sense of contentment.

A few minutes of silence.

"Done!" he exclaimed, writing the last word with flourish, putting the quill down, he turned and faced me.

"Sooooo, you wanted something?" Harry asked, laying back casually on the bed, not breaking eye contact.

Your company. I thought, not actually saying it though, instead, I said "No, not really, just thought I would come see you."

"It's sooo boring here, Dray, talk to me."

Oh, uhhhhh. " But hey, on the bright side, you'll be released tomorrow! Just be patient-"

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