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Third person's POV

Time at the Burrow flew by, they even went to the twins' joke shop,Weasley Wizard Wheezes(where Harry convinced his friends to stalk Malfoy with him). Harry hasn't stop thinking about what he saw during Diagon Alley, Malfoy and his left forearm,the thing he wanted fixed......

Until something clicked,left forearm, Dark Mark, Death Eater.Malfoy's a Death Eater......

*****Time skip-******

Harry was annoyed that his friends din't believe him,he decided to go all out (including stalking) to prove he was right. But right now,Harry was on Platform nine and three quarters,waiting to board the Hogwarts Express, while Mrs Weasley fussed over them.She straighten his tie,rubbed at a speck of dirt on Ron's nose despite Ron's yells of 'Geroff, mum!',and combing through Hermione's frizzy hair with her fingers.

"Please behave in school, Ron.And Harry, try not to get in trouble this year(to which Harry grumbled something like,"I don't go around looking for trouble,it usually finds me,").Hermione, you will watch them and make sure they don't get into another adventure," Mrs Weasley said,striking a half-weary smile at them.

"Guys! You can't believe what me, George and Fred found out!" Ginny said,running up to them with the twins not far behind.

"What?"Harry asked,his curiousity took over.



"Back!" The twins and Ginny said together ( technically in twin-speak).

Harry's face paled,Hermione audibly gasped and stumbled over her words,"Who-what?How-?"

"We don't know-" Ginny said.

"We just heard some people talking about it-" George chimed in.

"Luckily for me and Forge here,we won't be there," Fred grinned,while Ron groaned," Bad luck on you,Ron,"

"Oh,shut up,"Ron said,scowling and making a rude hand gesture at him.Lucky for him,Mrs Weasley wasn't paying attention.

"Oh dear, you better get on the train now, its already getting ready to leave!" Mrs Weasley exclaimed,"Hurry, hurry!"

And so they did, the girls jumped in first(because after all,it is manners for ladies first),while Ron and Harry gave them the luggage including the owls, Harry nearly, very nearly, dropped Hedwig's cage, causing a few minutes delay to calm the distressed owl.The train was picking up pace now, Harry jumped when he came near the edge if the platform, and he just missed Ron's hand by inches.

"Argh....!" Harry groaned, picking himself up from the ground, where he fell face-first, while the twins guffawed and Mrs Weasley chuckled.

"It's not funny!" Harry growled at them, wincing as he stood up,watching the Hogwarts Express leave.

"It's alright,dear," Mrs Weasley comforted the disgruntled teen,"Fred or George could take you by Side-along Apparation to the Hogwarts Express."

Fred and George looked at each other doubtfully and Harry sighed,mumbling, "Whatever, I'm pretty low on options here anyway."

George thought for a while,furrowing his eyebrows," Y'know, Gred, I really think you should do it, I mean, you are better at Disapparating than me, get what I mean?"

Fred nodded slowly and sighed," Aye alright. Here, Harry, hold on tight,", Fred said, offering his left arm.

Harry took the offered arm slowly and held on tightly, the fimiliar sensation of being pressed from all directions, like going through a tube, not being able to breathe or see engulfed him, threatening to drown him. And after the sensation wore off, he saw he was in an empty compartment of the Hogwarts Express.Yes!!! He thought,giddy, his knees buckled and he was falling forwards.Luckily, Fred caught him in time to avoid a broken nose on the hard floor of the compartment.

"Woah, easy there , Harry! Don't want you ending up in the Hospital wing before you even get to Hogwarts!"Fred said,steadying him.

Harry slumped down on a nearby compartment seat,scooting to lean against the wall, " Phew, give me a minute here, Fred, I'll be fine," Harry said, reassuring the red-headed twin who looked at him,worried that Harry might pass out.

"Oh alright, guess I'll be going then,got a bussiness to run,y'know!" Fred said jokingly,bidding Harry goodbye,when Harry confirmed that he wasn't going to pass out.

"Right,right.......Bye, Fred," Harry said, rubbing his temples to make the black dots in front his eyes go away,as Fred Disapparated away.

Then Harry froze, the compartment's door opened and it was certainly not his friends who walked in.

Draco's POV

I still couldn't believe Pansy did that, and what's more, she flipped me off, me, a Malfoy, her best friend. Ridiculous,utter betrayal.I thought ( somewhat dramatically) as I tried to find an empty compartment.

"Hey! Dray,come sit with us," Pansy said,grabbing my arm, I winced as she touched my most recent cuts,still healing,under my sleeves(long).

"No, I'm fine, I'm trying to find an emptier compartment, where it's less...... cramped," I said to Pansy,effectively masking all my pain and forcing a small smile.

"Do you want company?" Pansy asked me, worry laced in her voice," We can find another compartment with Blaise if you want."

"No no, it's fine. Really,Pans, I'm fine," I assured her with haste," You can stay in here with Blaise and the other slytherins if you want."

Pansy looked at me doubtfully, torn between following and mother henning me,making sure I'm alright and staying with Blaise and the other slytherins. She glanced back at the somewhat rowdy and friendly compartment, then looked at me again.

"Pansy, really, I'll be fine. Go back to the others, I'll see you later anyways," I assured her, it appeared to satisfy her as she sighed and turned to walk back to Blaise.

"Alright, I'll see you soon, Dray. Take care, and make sure to keep your wand at hand at all times!" Pansy looked back and shouted.

I chuckled a bit and replied, my normal smirk back," Yeah yeah, whatever you say, 'mom'."

Pansy laughed too, giving me one last smile before walking back to Blaise.

Once Pansy left,I started my search of an empty compartment again. Since the slytherins always go to compartments that were at the end of the train, I decided to try and search the compartments in front.

No go,they were all filled with ravenclaws and hufflepuffs, also with a tiny sprinkling of gryffindorks. The front compartments were appearently taken by most gryffindors, those prats. I noticed though,due to my huge crush on him, Golden boy wasn't there with all rhe other Gryffindors.


I decided to search the compartments behind the slytherin ones, since all of the ones in front were taken.

*****Really,really small time skip(still Draco's POV)******

Finally, the last compartment! Let's hope it's empty, if not, the I'll have to sit with Pansy and Blaise in that noisy,rowdy compartment, which I will not be looking forward to, not that I wouldn't want to sit with my friends, but still. Thinking about it already gave me a headache, ugh.

I walked into a sight that made my headache disappear completely. This compartment is empty, yes! I thought in my head. Until I noticed someone with familiar unruly raven locks, emerald green eyes and that infamous lightning bolt scar.

Oh, holy-

That thought din't complete itself,my mouth formed the words seemingly all by itself, but eh, I wanted to know the answer anyway.

" Pottah? What are you doing here?!"

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