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Harry's POV

Fortunately, I didn't have anymore nightmares as I slept. Unfortunately, I still have about a day to go, before I can leave the hospital wing.

Hell! I'm already bored out of my mind. If it wasn't for Draco and my best friends constantly coming over and keeping me updated to the classwork. And yes, me and Draco,we are on first name terms now, are in a wierd friendly relationship, although it's kinda awkward most of the time.

Although, my head is still tender and if I concentrate or stress over anything (more specifically, some complicated and 4-foot long DADA essay assigned by Snape, appearently the new(not exactly) DADA professor is Snape, Slughorn was taking over his place as Potions Master), I would get a headache again.

I sighed, at this rate, I'd never be able to finish my homework, since it's N.E.W.T year, I can't bear to think of the homework later on. Yikes. The professors will certainly have our noses on the grindstone this year.

I pushed away my homework, only managing to do three quarters of it, and laid back down on my hospital bed, gently. The last thing I need is my head to fracture again, it's still in a healing process.

I scowled, and released some of my frustration by puching the air, my ribs were good as new now, so I suppose that's a good thing.

"Harry, I would apprieciate it if you don't harm yourself further-"


I got up and ran carefully to where he stood, hugging him tightly (We were best friends now, sort of, he let his facade down, I mean he did save my life).

"Where were you? I was bored out of my mind", I whined after releasing Draco out of my viper-like grip.

Draco winced, and rubbed his arm, "Harryyyyyy, why did you hug me so harddddd, it's painful,y'know," Draco complained back.

I pouted childishly and put on a mock-hurt face,"What? Must I have an excuse to miss you and hug you when you came and save me from dying of boredom? Come on, I'm boreddddd."

Draco sighed dramaticaly and sat on the edge of my bed,indicating for me to lay back down," I was busy and now I'm really tired,you should be grateful I even managed to drag myself here to see you,"

"But, Dracooooooo-"

"No buts, if you want to get out of here, you have to lay down and rest, so that yo u can't hurt yourself even more by running around and jumping up and down."

I stuck my tongue out at him but went to the bed, half-sitting, half-laying down. I was propped up by my right arm and laying on my back, my other arm was laying loosely at my side.

"Sooooo, what's been happening, while I am here, bored out of my wits?"

"Eh, nothing really. Apart from the fact that, you still haven't worked out your timetable yet, are you still taking Potions? It hasn't started yet and you haven't chosen yet."

"Nah,I don't think so, I didn't buy any books for Potions," I admitted,but added an afterthought, "But I'm not sure the job I want requires Potions."

"What job do you want? I think I would know, if you would tell me," Draco enquired, curiousity shining in his eyes.

"Well, uh, I guess I might want to be a teacher, here at Hogwarts," I said casually, and shrugged.

Draco looked shocked, then thoughtful, and then curious.

"Well, which post do you want? I mean, I don't think any posts will be open anytime soon."

I looked at him, giving him a 'Are you being serious?' look, "Isn't it obvious? Defense again Dark Arts is my best choice, but-" Draco raised a questioning eyebrow at that,"- Won't they already get a new teacher by then? If so, which post will I take? I really want to be a teacher here."

Draco tapped a finger on his chin, deep in thought, only for a moment though. He snapped his fingers together, "Aha! Well,you could always take up the post of Madam Hooch? I mean, you were the youngest seeker in, like what, a century?"

I perked up at the thought, why not? It's worth a shot, I suppose.

Draco rambled on,"-If not, you can totally get a spot on a quidditch team. Who wouldn't want the Harry Potter in their team? Only an idiot-"

"Well, some teams want a good, or at least decent player, only attention-seeking prats would let a famous, but literally useless at flying player in their team," I cut in harshly.

Draco stopped rambling and had the decency to look ashamed, as he said, "Alright, alright. I was raised in a society where money, power and popularity meant everything, remember?"

Now it was my turn to look embarresed, "Oh yeah! Hehe, I forgot. Sorry," I mumbled.

"Eh, it's okay, you didn't know, you were muggle-raised anyway," Draco said off-handedly, shrugging half-heartedly.

They sat in awkward silence for awhile......Well, awkward for me........

Draco's POV

Damn, I was rambling, wasn't I? Malfoys don't ramble! Nor do they care about Gryffindors........

Ugh, was I even a Malfoy? Here I am, throwing away a whole childhood worth of pureblood training, for the most beautiful boy with the most captivating emerald green orbs I have ever seen, I don't even think a jewel can compare to his eyes, I could just stare at it and not get bored for a whole day......

I sighed dreamily as I lost myself to his eyes, angelic body, as well as face, and to those so very kissable lips, plump,pink and smooth. I wonder if his lips were as smooth as they looked......

As I day-dreamed about Harry bloody Potter, I didn't notice him waving his hand in front of my face and calling my name repeatedly.

Until I finally returned to reality.

Harry's face was inches away from mine, I saw his teary eyes and panicked expression.

Worried,I asked him,"Harry, Harry, what's wrong? Are you alright?"

His face relaxed and his face settled for a worried expression, reflecting mine.

"Yeah, are you okay though? You were spacing out though, you weren't responding or anything, I was worried," Harry huffed, pouting slightly.

I gave him a sheepish smile, "Sorry, Harry. I'm fine, really! I didn't mean to space out like that."

Harry sulked again, but forgave me graciously,"Fine, but don't do that again, you scared me......."

I gave a sly smile, "Worried about my well-being now, Potter? I didn't think you would care of a Slytherin like me!" I said dramatically.

The sides of Harry's mouth twitched, obviously amused, but he glared and replied, "Of course, I do, you're my friend and I thought we agreed on first-name terms? Besides, why would you care of a Gryffindor like me?"

"Because you're my friend," I replied automatically, we have been through this before, many times, in fact. My heart sank a bit, though, he only viewed me as a friend......

"My point exactly."

He flashed me a winning smile, I was pretty sure my insides melted a little when I saw it.

You have no idea what you do to me, Harry.......

(A/N): BAM!!! Hey! New Chapter! Isn't it cheesy? TuT I changed the story's cover to one my fren, GalaxyBTSARMY , tirelessly made by herself, I thank you, bestie, for this new cover, I know it's a bit sucky, but still, good work! Please keep updating your story,Broken[A Taekook×Reader FF], by the way!

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