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Harry's POV(This is a dream/nightmare btw)

Darkness. All I saw was black, I looked around warily, and then looked down at myself,I saw that I was wearing the rags that I call 'clothes' showing off the carved words of 'freak', 'worthless', 'stupid' and many others on my upper arms, since Vernon din't want people accidentally seeing them if he did it on my forearms.

I looked  up again, I saw two people towering over me, as I drew my legs in, curling into a ball. One was thin and had a horsy-looking face, not to mention the long neck that helped to spy people over fences that divided their property, Petunia. The other was fat as a whale(no offence to whales), red face, with very little neck, glowering over me, scowling, Vernon.I whimper and cowered in fear, what did I do this time? Where am I? This is definitely not Privet Drive, is it? What happened? Why am I here?

I curled in even more, trying to look small and invisible. Vernon bellowed," FREAK! NO ONE WILL EVER LOVE YOU! A FREAK LIKE YOU DOESN'T DESERVE LOVE! WHY CAN'T YOU JUST DIE! YOU'RE A WASTE OF SPACE ANYWAY!"

I whimpered but din't argue, tears threathening to fall, so much for my gryffindor courage. I cringed away from the hand that came swiping at my face, closing my eyes for the strike. It never came, I opened my eyes to see dreaded crimson eyes, bald head and serpent face. Alongside him, came Ron and Hermione, as well as Sirius, Lupin and the rest of the Weasley family, they all had malicious looks on their face.

"Sirius, Ron, 'Mione?....." I whispered, my raspy voice echoing, "Lupin?.....What's going on?......"

Hermione answered me, actually she more like snapped at me, "Don't call me 'Mione! My name is Hermione Jean Granger, and you, Potter, are no longer my friend, I can't even believe I put up wih you for so long, it was the most  horrible experience ever!" she mock-shuddered.

"Wh-what? B-bu you were my best friend!" I stuttered, shocked. How could she do this, after all we done together!

Ron laughed cruelly, " Hah! The freak thought we were friends! How hilarious! The truth is, Potter, we were only using you for fame and money. Why else would anyone want to be friends with a freak like you?"

I tried to protest, to argue that I'm not a freak, but deep down, I knew I was a freak of nature.

I turned to Sirius, my supposed godfather, the most father-like figure in my life, "S-si-sirius?...... You don't think I-I'm a fre-freak, do y-you?....."

Sirius sneered coldly, "Of course, I do. You are never godson, you mistake, IT'S YOUR FAULT JAMES, LILY AND I ARE DEAD! Your parents would be disappointed at you, you waste of space."

I sobbed, tears running freely now, " Wh-why? Why must you d-do th-this to m-me?" I bawled.

"That would be my question, Potter,"


Amos Diggory appeared magically at Sirius' side, " Cedric was the light of my day! My son was my everything! And now he's gone, because of you."

I gasped and said weakly,"Mr D-digg-diggory, I'm so-sorry. It wasn't m-me, I-I swe-swear! It was Voldemor-"

"Crucio" Amos Diggory said coldly, cutting me off. As I trashed in agony, my parents also popped into view, with Cedric trailing behind.

"You're too weak to be a Potter, you are not son of mine," my father said, indifferennt and cold, when the spell was lifted and I lay panting on the floor, crying salty tears.

"Or mine," my beautiful mother chimed in, equally indifferent and cold. My mother, who sacrificed herself to save me, now took out her wand and 'crucio'ed me, her only child.

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