Break Up

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OC Kale. Enjoy!

It was a quiet night under the sewer, as everyone was in the main room sadly looking towards Donnie's room. Leo let out a sigh.

"I should go in and talk to him"

He said as he was about to take a step.

"Wait, don't you think it's best we give him some space"

April suggested. Master Splinter shook his head.

"Donatello needs reassurance that we are all going to be there for him. It's not a easy path of where he was led. Leonardo go and speak to your brother, for I fear he would only assume the worst"

He said calmly. Leo nodded as he made his way upstairs and headed to Donnie's bedroom. He quietly knock before entering.


He asked as he step inside to see Donnie sitting on the edge of his bed without his ninja mask and his head buried in his hands. Donnie slowly looked up to his his older brother and sadly looked back down.

"How are you holding up?"

He asked as he got closer to the bed.

"I don't want to talk about it"

"You need to talk about it"

Leo said sternly before sitting down beside his genius brother but Donnie quickly stood up and began to pace.

"I can handle this. I don't need anyone coming to tell me that I can't do this. I build us weapons, a vehicle, I fix up everything inside our home and I help to create.....her."

He said as he stopped pacing and sadly looked to the baby cradle that was in his room. Leo sadly looked towards the baby cradle as well before looking back at Donnie.

"It wasn't your fault"

"Then why did she leave me? We plan to have a future together and this is what she did. How can I be so stupid?"

He said balling up his fist angrily before letting out a sigh before placing his three-finger hand on his plastron.

"When is it going to stop hurting?"

Donnie cried as he shut his eyes tight. Leo quickly stood up and embrace his brother as he cried on his plastron.

"How can I possibly do this by myself?"

"It's going to be okay Donnie, you still have us. We're a family and family are there to help each other out like how we always do. You are starting a new generation"

Leo said sincerely as he gently remove himself from Donnie and made his way to the baby cradle and smiled at the baby turtle. He leaned down to cradle it bundle up in a blanket and carried it gently to Donnie who wipe away his tears as he smile sadly.

"I heard that babies can feel when their parents is upset."

He said as he handed Donnie his baby.

"We're waiting downstairs Don, when you are ready"

Leo said quietly as he exit the room. Leaving Donnie to think about what he said. Donnie let out a sigh as he lift the blanket up to see his little girl sucking on a pacifier as she stared up at him. She was a olive green skin like his but slightly lighter, she also had green eyes like her mother who sadly left Donnie after the birth.

"It's just you and me, but don't worry my brothers, friends and my father are going to love you, Kale"

He said softly as he stroke her cheek lovingly.


Leo was barely a few steps down before he was bombarded with questions from his brothers and friends. Leo raised both his hands in surrender.

"He's calm but he's still hurting"

Leo said quietly. The others sadly put their heads down in disappointment until a voice caught them by surprise.

"But I'll have all of you by my side"

All eyes went up to the staircase to see Donnie standing there with a bundle of blanket in his arms.


Raph said happily.

"Dude you had us worried"

Mikey said.

"It's so good to see you in high spirits again, my son"

Master Splinter said.

"We're so happy to see you"

April said.

"You're the turtle, Donnie boy"

Casey said. Donnie simply smiled at all his friends and family giving him support.

"You guys want to see her?"

He asked.


They said together in excitement. Donnie descended down the stairs as he handed Master Splinter his daughter. She was then passed around to April, Leo, Raph, Casey and finally to Mikey.

"Awww she's too cute. Where's the baby? There she is"

He said trying to make her laugh but instead made her cry as she drop her pacifier, scaring her by surprise.

"Awww dudette I'm sorry"

"Way to go knucklehead"

Raph said annoyingly as he pick up the pacifier. Mikey handed the baby back to Donnie as he cradle her in his arms.

"There there, it's okay. There's no reason to cry, uncle Mikey was just being himself"

He said as he nuzzled her cheek lovingly causing the baby to stop crying and out let out a small hiccup.

"I'll just go wash off the pacifier"

April offered.

"Um actually April can you open a new pacifier. I don't really think it's sanitary for the baby"

Donnie said worriedly. April smiled.

"Of course Don"

She said as she headed to his room to get the new pacifier. Master Splinter smiled at his son.

"What is her name?"

"Kale. Her name is Kale"

He said proudly.

"Here you go Donnie"

April said as she handed him the pacifier.


He said as he placed the pacifier in his daughter's mouth.

"I didn't catch her name"

April said as she looked at the baby.

"It's Kale"


She said softly.


Casey and April had left earlier. Mikey was making dinner, Raph was lifting weights, Leo was meditating and Master Splinter was sitting with Donnie on the couch as he watched his shows. Donnie was reading a book and was at the same time pushing the rocking carrier gently as Kale sleeps quietly.

"Dinner is ready!"

Mikey yelled. Donnie's eyes open wide to see if his daughter was startle awake but instead she was still sound asleep. Donnie let out a sigh in relief as Master Splinter chuckle at his reaction.

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