Law-Evading Rock

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Module Name: Law-Evading Rock

Real Name: Datsu Imai (the real name was TammyChan180's idea).

Japanese: 脱法ロック

Romaji: Dappou Rock

Nickname(s): Law

Date Of Birth: June 19, 2005

Age: 19

Sexuality: Straight

Zodiac Sign: Gemini

Chinese Zodiac Animal: Rooster

Height: 5'5"

Weight: 146 lbs.

Designer: Ryuusee

Known Relationships/Family:

Andrea Johnson/Antichlorobenzene (girlfriend) (May 26, 2022)

Occupation: Homeschooled college student (he's currently a freshman)

Specific Song: Law-Evading Rock

Song Producer: Neru

Specific Song Anniversary: June 19, 2016

Fun Facts:

- This Len module, Because You're Our Dear Friend (or her real name Shavonne Gerrett), A Happy Tale Rin (or her real name Trista Dalal), and A Happy Tale Len (or his real name Rickie Dalal) are all birthday twins.

- Datsu is a boy who doesn't have a lot of responsibilities. He struggles with moderate Down's syndrome, which explains his uniquely small face. When he was born, he nearly died from lack of oxygen, and he had to be on a ventilator for the majority of his infancy. He learned to breathe on his own at age 1.

- Datsu didn't start walking until he was 3. And he did not start talking until a year later. His first word was not 'mama' or 'dada'. It was 'stop it', when his mom was rocking him to sleep one time.

- At elementary school age, his ability to talk and function worked like a 2-year-old's. He didn't say many words, and his parents would often say that they didn't know what he wanted most of the time. He never spoke in his classes other than 'yeah', 'no', and 'chair', because he always wanted to sit in the bean bag chair in the room.

- In sixth grade, Datsu was taken out of public school and switched to homeschooling. This happened because he was getting bullied so badly, and because of his poor talking abilities back then, he couldn't tell his parents what was wrong. It became apparent once his bullies attacked him with scissors, and he got 60 stitches in total. Since then, he did not want to go back to school. So he would spend the rest of his education online.

- He also had a mentor who would come to his house to teach him how to talk, read, and write. By the time he was 13, he started speaking full sentences, and could hold a conversation with others.

- Today, he talks like a regular person. However, he still struggles to structure his sentences grammatically correct. His writing and texting is full of spelling errors. And he's still homeschooled because he's afraid of people. He hasn't forgotten about how he was treated by his bullies. He has a lot of trouble learning new things, and he doesn't know how to use independence skills.

- Despite his disability, he has a talent. He likes to draw and create his own animations. He posts them on his social media accounts, where he shares his story on how he lives with the condition he has. He really wants to get into the animation industry, but is afraid that people won't accept him for who he is. He's still trying to accept himself in the meantime, but it's not easy.

- Datsu is severely claustrophobic. This means he doesn't like tight spaces such as elevators.

- While he is able to talk, he sometimes uses nonverbal communication. He could jump up and down, flap his arms, and make noises. He does that mostly when he's irritated.

- He has a pet dog that keeps him company while his parents work. The dog's name is Frankie, and he's a pug.

- His parents have no problem with leaving him home alone because he's on the computer most of the time. If he's not on the computer, he would be playing with his dog, or trying to teach himself how to cook.

Here's the specific song:

See you guys in the next chapter!

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