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MY HEAD LAID ON THE COOL kitchen counter, my throat was tight and dry with thirst. We hadn't hunted in weeks and I was absolutely feeling the effects of it. I think Jasper just knew to stay away from me when I was feeling like this - it's like the vampire's version of a period if you ask me, it felt the same.

I found it difficult to be around Bella when she was having blood, but I swallowed hard and stopped breathing to try and keep me from smelling the delicious substance. She needed it for the baby, it was more hungry than all of us! We wouldn't die without blood for a month or two as it was a sacrifice we all had to make for them.

The fact that Jacob was always here didn't quite sit well with me, but I was learning to trust him slowly and I hope he felt the same. My head still lay on the counter, I could hear his boots clunking about the house, he was coming down the stairs and walked into the living room where the majority of the house sat around Bella. Carlisle and Esme were better at self control than I could ever imagine, Edward and Rose put the baby before themselves so could be around her. I didn't see Jasper as often as I wanted to, mainly because I was frightened he'd eat Bella. It started as a joke but honestly, it's a possibility now.

"We cant. We're all to hungry"

I lifted my head up slowly, through in the other room they were having a discussion about us feeding soon. Hopefully the wolves had backed down and we could go out without the fear of being eaten alive.

I walked through and stood in the doorway. Jacob spoke. "I think there is a way we can get what we all want. You all can feed and I can get back at Sam and his pack"

I tapped my foot impatiently. "Talk"

He scowled at me and turned back to the rest. "I have a plan, but you need to trust me" They all nodded.

Jacob's plan relied on us believing that he was going to distract Sam and his pack long enough for us to go out and hunt. It was smart. My confidence in his wavered but Carlisle told us all to have faith, he believed him. The rest of the family followed him, I knew that he had the right intentions.

"How long do we wait?" Jacob had left a few minutes ago to find Sam's pack. Myself, Edward, Alice and Jasper stood at the treeline, waiting till it was safe to go out. Edward used his link to Jacob and his extra sensitive hearing to see when it was safe for us.

"Almost time" I was so excited to sink my teeth into a beautiful deer or mountain lion. It seemed ages since I had had something live, and boy I missed it. "Remember-" He turned to us. "Ten minutes at most. Enough time to feed and get out before the wolves suspect and the rest can go too"

I nodded before Edward gave us the go ahead. All at once, we raced into the woods looking for food. I tried to be quiet in fear that we would be heard, my eyes lit up when I caught the scent of a deer, quickly following it before it was lost. It was amazing. Like nothing I had ever had before and I so wanted more but I knew I couldn't, we had to be strong for Bella and the baby.

I was first back, then Edward, Alice and Jasper came last, his face was drenched in animal blood and his golden amber eyes returned to his face.  We walked back in and let Carlisle, Emmett, Rose and Esme go too. I think this had worked. Jacob had done his job.

Bella lay on the couch, her sunken eyes made their way over to me and she smiled. "You look better now"

I chuckled. "I wish I could say the same for you"

Low howls ripped through the air and I ran to the window. The wolves knew. I blew a sigh of relief as the rest of the family ran out from the treeline unharmed. 

"We did it, it worked" Jasper smiled at me, it wasn't every day that you trusted a wolf and it payed off.

"We did indeed. I feel good now" 

He turned to Bella, "It's nice not wanting to kill you now"

Her laugh was cut short by her yelling in pain, I winced as I heard another rip snap in half, I rushed over, grabbing her hand. "Are you alright?" Her groans stopped and she looked at me.

"Yeah, when you touched me the pain faded, I think you took my pain away Scarlett"

"Really?" I was shocked, when I touched Bella I only felt a slight ounce of pain but I assumed that was because she was squeezing me so tightly.

Carlisle walked in. "Scarlett took your pain?" Bella nodded and I stared up at Carlisle, wondering what this meant. He paused and looked at the floor, thinking. "That's interesting"

I stood up. "What does this mean? Do you think my syphoning power works on other things too?"

His head shook. "I'm not sure, I've never came across anyone with the same abilities as you, it could work with many things, not just other abilities"

"Maybe this can help?" I felt hopeful.

Carlisle nodded. "You may be right. Do you trust me?" I nodded, of course I trusted him. "Scarlett I want to try something that's not done very often with those of our kind"

"Anything, i'll try anything to help Bella"

He looked at Bella and myself, I was getting nervous and had no clue where this was going. "I want to try and take your plasma, it's what vampires have instead of proper blood. I'll extract it from your neck - I think it could really help Bella"

Anxious but excited, I clapped my hands together. "Let's do it doc!"


𝓐𝓾𝓽𝓱𝓸𝓻'𝓼 𝓝𝓸𝓽𝓮

What do you think? Let me know! Very exciting stuff on the way. We're nearing the end of the book. This one will be shorter than others understandably. Please vote, comment and follow me.

Love to all x

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