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BELLA'S HEAD LAY ON Edwards lap. Her breathing was raggedy and hearing her heartbeat fade in and out made me move nervously in my chair. We all stared at her in hope that my blood would do something good - she had drank it only a few minutes ago.

"Anything?" I looked up at Carlisle hopeful. His head shook in response. This was supposed to be it, this was meant to be the thing that changed everything. It was supposed to fix it. I was supposed to fix it. My head dragged through my hair as I sighed. I couldn't sit here anymore. "Do we need anything? Any food? More blood?"

I think Carlisle could sense my frustration. "I think we need more blood" We didn't. We definitely had enough to deliver a baby but I had to escape for a short while.

I grabbed my jacket from my chair and Jasper stood up, I held my hand to him. "I think it's best if I go alone, you can stay here and keep an eye on Bella for me" I assumed I frustration was rolling off me as he nodded and sat back down gently. I looked over at Bella, she was sleeping. I left quietly to be sure not to wake her and got into my car, driving towards the hospital that was situated on the other side of town.

Driving alone was more therapeutic than it was given credit for. I had time to think about all my thoughts and gather them, they were all over the place at the minute. How would I tell Charlie Bella was dead? How would he believe me? He'd be broken. What would they say she did? An illness took her by surprise and killed her within weeks? Hardly seems peaceful. That cancer riddled her body and consumed her? What a way to die. In a lie.

We would need to have a closed casket funeral of course, friends and family couldn't see her body just now, she already looked like a corpse. Carlisle could forge a death certificate that made the illness official, that was easy, but acting like she died suddenly was not. She had been dying for weeks now, that was the hardest part, having the power to do something but being completely unable to.

The drive was longer than expected and the hospital reminded me of Bella's appointments. The smell was repulsive to me now, memories I didn't want to think about. How could I love the thing that killed her? I had promised to but it was a killing machine, a curse placed upon us, ripping everything we loved.

I stood in the line for the blood and my phone buzzed in my pocket. Carlisle was plastered across the screen. He was probably just checking I was alright, I thought. I pressed answer and greeted him.

His voice was filled with concern and emotion. "Scarlett you need to come back right now" I had already sped down the stairs and ran through the hospital as he spoke. "Bella has gone into labor. She needs you"

"I'm coming! Please hold onto her for me" Tears brimmed in my eyes, my car door slammed behind me and I turned on the engine. "It can't happen like this" He placed me on speaker next to Bella, I could hear her screams and cries down the phone. The tyres of my car screeched over the road, I went the quickest way home possible.

"Bella, stay with me!" Edwards cries of desperation seemed miles away.

"Bella please" No tears fell down my face, only dry and painful sobs.

"Bella cmon!" Jacob was there. "You're stronger than this, I know you are"

I pulled up into the Cullen's driveway, completely stunned. I couldn't speak, I couldn't move. There had been no sound down the phone for a minute or so now. My legs flung themselves out of the car, my limp body followed. I felt empty and hollow inside.

Cries of a baby echoed through the silent hallways. Death hovered in the air. I rushed into the room Bella was in, crashing to my knees as I came around the corner. Her lifeless body stared back at me. I struggled to scramble up to where Edward and Jacob stood. They looked as stunned as I felt.

My sobs fell out like an avalanche. "No, please don't. You can't do this to me" Her empty eyes locked with mine. "You're going to be fine. The venom is going to work and you'll be fine" I tried to smile, my voice shaking and my heart broke. I could literally feel it crack deep within my chest. Emotion pouring out like a river. "Don't you dare go!"

Edwards eyes glassed over with tears as he gently shut Bella's dead eyes. It was over. My body fell to the floor, strong arms enveloped me. Jacob pulled me close to his chest. His usual icy stare was replaced with only desperation and panic, I sobbed into his chest, my shattered cries were the only sound heard in the room. 

"Wake up!! Bella! Get up!"

My screams of anger and emotion faded to staggered breaths.

And then, there was nothing at all.

DESOLATE FIRE; J. HALE [4]Where stories live. Discover now