xxii - paint it black

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g w e n:

I was sick of homework. I was tired of researching, translating French sentences, and studying for math. It was overwhelming, boring and to be honest, all I wanted to do was drink a big cup of hot cocoa and watch Disney films to make me feel happy. The week was passing by horrendously slow that when Wednesday evening rolled around, I felt like I had grown a beard.

I hadn't seen Calum at school and I grew worried. He also wasn't answering my texts and when he did, they were vague and during ungodly hours of the very early mornings. I also hadn't spoken to Luke since that evening at the docks. Funny how someone I was so close to; someone I considered a brother could end up being someone I didn't really know at all. I'd see him in class but we didn't talk. He would catch rides to school with friends and eat his dinner faster than the rest of us could have our second bite. But I did have something to ask him because tomorrow was a big day.

Ashton's funeral.

That's why I didn't mind so much that Calum was missing school-- I know he's hurting. But I didn't like that he was trying to shut me out. I'm hear for him and he knows that I'm here to listen if he needed to talk. He's bottling up feelings and knowing Calum, he's waiting for the perfect time to blow up.

I knocked on Luke's door, anxiously waiting for him to answer. The sound of ruffling carpet trickled into my ears and the shadows creeping through the door on the crack let me know that my anxiety would continue to flourish instead of dissipate. The door handle turned and the door slowly swung open, revealing a very tired looking Luke.

"Hey," I said, immediately looking down to the floor. I noticed that he was still in his school uniform minus the blazer. His red tie was loose and his normally ironed shirt was untucked. He looked more disheveled than how a teenaged boy should be.

"Do you wanna come in?" Luke asked and I lifted my gaze off of the oh-so sexy carpet, and to the blue eyes I was fond of.

I nodded my head in response and Luke opened the door wider for me to walk through. He closed the door behind him, sauntering passed me to sit back down on his desk chair.

"Gwen, you can sit," Luke chuckled, and I just about crapped my purple pajama pants. I wasn't expecting him to actually laugh. Wasn't he mad at me?

"Are you mad at me?" I asked, taking a seat on the edge of his bed.

"No," he answered and I sighed of relief. "I was at first because I hate douchepants Hood but after giving myself space for a few days I had time to think."

"What have you been thinking about?" I asked him, curious about the way his mind was working.

"Everything," Luke's answer was vague and I only hoped he would elaborate. "I just-- I'm sorry Gwen, for lying to you about where I was going. Some nights I was just partying with friends but most times I wasn't."

"Why are you even part of such a shady business? Luke do you not see where you live? You've got everything you ever need," I explained to him, gesturing for the expensive electronic items in his room.

"I know, I know. I didn't get into it for the money," he said. I saw that his breathing was beginning to get heavy, like something was constricting his chest.

"Luke? Are you alright?"

He didn't speak, instead he lifted an index finger in my direction before opening the top drawer in his desk. He pulled out a black inhaler, shaking the gizmo before supplying his lungs with the medication.

"You have asthma?!" I exclaimed, standing up from the bed to approach him. I had no idea that Luke had a breathing problem; he never showed any kind of sign and not once did I see him bust out an inhaler.

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