Chapter Nine - Homecoming

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My family and I won the Halloween competition. The gift was a choice to have any area of our house remolded. It wasn't a shock when my mom chose the kitchen.

It took about a week but our kitchen was now the best looking room in the house. Stainless steel appliances, granite countertops and new pots, pans and silverware. My mom now cooked and baked all the time. We couldn't keep her away from the kitchen.

Nadine and I have backtracked a little. Ever since the dance I've kept my distance. Apparently it's noticeable because Karlie and Damien keep asking about us. Most of the time I just lie. But eventually I run out of lies and just say we're taking it slow.

Homecoming was quickly approaching and I've decided that I would still ask. I didn't even really think Nadine liked me anymore. I mean, who could blame her? This is the second time I've pushed her away. She shouldn't have to wait on me.

But I still liked her. So maybe if she feels the same she'll say yes. If she doesn't then I'll be embarrassed 'cause I'm asking in front of the entire school and I'll know how she truly feels.

Both Karlie and I are sitting in math class. She's turned around to talk to me. The dance was Saturday evening. Meaning tomorrow. There's been a lot of proposals going on today and it's also the day both Karlie and I ask.

After this period was over she was going to ask in the hallway. Most of the classes have been really laid back because of the dance. There's no obligation to get to class on time or do any work.

"Are you nervous," I ask.

"Absolutely. What if he says no? Or what if he doesn't want a girl to ask him? What if he is already planning to ask someone else? I can't do this. I'm going to completely embarrass myself, aren't I?"

"Karlie relax. Anyone with eyes can see that he's into you."

She takes a few deep breaths. She checks the time on her phone. "Okay. I have to go to get everything ready. Wish me luck."

I give her a thumbs up. The teacher excuses her and I'm left alone with no one to talk to. I think about my plan to ask Nadine. Damien agreed to help me. When he found out I was asking he uncharacteristically showed excitement.

I think he was rooting for Nadine and I to get together more than anybody else and that was saying something. Considering how much my mom and Carmen have been pushing me.

The bell rings and I gather my things. When I make it out to the hall the students are lined up against the walls. Jacob is blindfolded at one end of the hall. Karlie is standing on the other with one of his dogs. It's holding in its mouth a very decorative sign that says 'Homecoming?'

We watch as the other dog leads Jacob down the hall until he's standing right in front of Karlie. The dog barks and Jacob pulls off his blindfold. His eyes widen we he sees Karlie and the sign.

"I know this is really unconventional but I've liked you for a really long time. So, thanks to Valentina, I'm putting myself out there. Will you go to homecoming with me?"

Jacob smiles widely and nods. He sweeps Karlie into a tight hug lifting her off the ground. The dogs bark excitedly jumping on them. The hallway is filled with whistles and claps.

Jacob sets Karlie down. "I like you too."

And like straight out of a corny romance movie, they kiss. It doesn't last long but it's sweet. Karlie is smiling happily. She bends down and gives both the dogs a treat. The hallway begins to disperse. I catch a glimpse of pink hair.

Shit, I'm next.

I don't even go to second period. I make my way straight to the cafeteria where Damien is waiting for me. He has a bunch of decorations and has already moved the tables out of the way. I drop my book bag by the door.

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