Chapter Twenty - Hello Life

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I straighten out the last of my things. I finally finished unpacking and my dorm room looks amazing. There are LED strip lights up on the wall. Pictures of my family and Nadine on my desk. My comforter is a pretty ocean blue and I have a white rug to match. 

I collapse on my bed. It took two weeks to finish unpacking. Classes start next week so I'm glad I got it all done. There's a knock on my door. "Come in."

My roommate pokes her head in. She's a sweet girl from Texas. She has a deep country accent. She keeps mostly to herself but we've set ground rules for the living space. "Hey. I'm going to order a pizza, do you want anything on it?"

"Pepperoni is fine. Should we split the cost?"

"Oh no, I got it. I was thinking we should hangout and maybe watch a movie."

I nod, "That sounds great. Just let me know when the food is here."

She gives me a thumbs up and leaves the room, closing the door behind her. I get a phone call just then. Nadine's name and picture pops up on the screen. I'm hit with a wave of sadness. I haven't seen her in over a month. I answer quickly and press the phone to my ear. 

"Hello, gorgeous," she says. 

Just like that a wide smile is on my face. "Hi. What are you up to?"

"I'm out with some new friends. We're trying to find a place to eat."

"Why am I not shocked that you already have friends?"

I hear some voices in the background. "Hold on, I'm going to put you on speaker so you can meet them."

"Hi Nadine's girlfriend!"

"Her name is Valentina."

"Hi Valentina. Nadine showed us your picture and we all think you're beautiful."

I blush and am thankful they can't see me. I'm greeted by a few other people before Nadine comes back. "They're a little wild but I promise their great."

"I'm glad you've found good people."

"What about you? Have you met anybody?"

She implies it as if it was in a relationship way. Our deal still stands but Nadine has asked me if 'I've met anybody' almost every time we talk. I decide to mess with her just because she asked me.

"You know my roommate actually is pretty cool. Hot, country girl and she is sweet as pie."

Silence. "That's not funny."

"It was. We are actually friends though. She's getting pizza and we're going to watch a movie together."

"Completely platonic?"

"Yes. Platonic."

"Great. It's time for you to read the card now."

I look over at the card that has been sitting on my desk since I moved in. I waste no time in opening it. 


You are beyond anyone I have ever met before. You've changed my life in ways I didn't even know were possible. You are out of this world gorgeous. You're strong and smart. There is not a doubt in my mind that you will take this world by storm. You are my one true inspiration to strive for the best in life. Continue to be amazing, my love. 


I set the card down. "Nadine."


"I think I want to marry you."

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