Chapter Sixteen - Car Trouble

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"You have a couple weeks before your leaving, are you ready?"

Carmen and I decide to have a 'sister day' since she was leaving for college soon. It would be the first time that I would go without seeing my sister for more than a few days. I was sad she was leaving but I wouldn't let her see it. We were currently drinking hot chocolate while watching cheesy romance movies in her room.

"Yeah. I'm nervous and excited. It'll be the first time I'll be far from home for so long."

"Hmm, you'll make friends. Everybody loves you."

She gives me a look and I shrug. "Don't act like it's not true. You were always the one the boys liked. You made friends the easiest. Even our family preferred you over me."

"That is not true."

"Yes it is. It's okay though I'm not upset."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. I'm actually happy your leaving. No more annoying sister coming to check on me every five minutes. I might even turn your room into some kind of gaming room."

"You wouldn't."

"I would."

Carmen laughs and takes a sip of her drink. "On a serious note, are you going to be okay?"

I nod. "I have mom and Nadine. I think I finally figured out what I want to do with my life."



Carmen and I talk and watch movies for a few more hours. I eventually escape to my room with a light heart and little worries.

Nadine has her arm casually wrapped around my shoulder as we sit in the bleachers waiting for the pep rally to start. Our friends are around us. There have been other that tried to worm their way into our group but Karlie stopped that in its tracks. She was more determined that any of us to keep our friendship the way it is.

Karlie sits in front of me but she's leaned back and had her arms propped up on my legs. She tilts her head back to talk to me. "So have you and Nadine ..."

She trails off but she doesn't have to finish for me to know what she's talking about. I blush fiercely thinking about the other night. Karlie gasp, "You have."

"No but we have gotten close. We're taking it slow. What about you and Jacob?"

Her eyes cloud over. "When," I ask.

"A couple days ago. It hurt since I was a virgin but he was gentle and he went slow for me."

She smiles softly and I can tell whatever happened that night made her really happy.

"Good for you."

She leans back up as the pep rally begins. It was in celebration of the new year. We were supposed to be doing a countdown at the square later tonight. But of course this town wouldn't miss any opportunities to celebrate multiple times.

When the rally is finally over Nadine drives me home. "I'll see you later tonight okay?"

"Actually, I have something to do so I might be a little late."

She looks at me confused, "What do you have to do?"

"That I can't tell you. I'll call later okay?"

She doesn't look convinced but let's me go anyway. I walk into the house and find my mom and sister cooking in the kitchen. "Hi sweetheart, how was school?"

"It was fine. Could I borrow the car?"

Both my mom and sister freeze. They give each other a look first before focusing back on me. 

"Can you what," my mom ask. 

"Borrow the car. I have somewhere I need to go."

"Why can't Nadine take you," Carmen jumps in. 

"I don't want her to know about it 'till it's done."

"Wait, you can't even drive," mom says. 

I scratch the bag of my head, "Nadine, has been giving me lessons for awhile now."

They both stare at me in shock. "I'll be back in a few hours, I promise. You have to trust me."

Mom and Carmen glance at each other again and then mom sighs. "Fine. You don't have your license though so if you get pulled over that's on you."

"Thank you."

I grab the keys and leave again. I take a deep breath. This is the first time I'll have to drive on my own. I put the keys in the ignition and turn, hearing the car come to life. I grip the steering wheel and send a silent prayer that I don't crash. 

I drive slow and steady. I watch the sign saying that I was leaving town pass me by. I play a little music to keep me calm. When I finally make it to my destination, I take a steadying breath. I get out of the car and enter the tattoo parlor. A woman greets me at the front desk. She's covered in tattoos but I guess that was normal. 

"Hi, how can I help you?"

"I made an appointment a few days ago. Valentina."

She does some typing on her computer before nodding. "Right. You're in room three. Go straight down the hall."

I follow her instructions and enter room three. A man is already waiting for me. I think he had more tattoos than the lady at the front. I take a seat in the chair. "Hey. This your first?"

I nod, "Is it that obvious?"

He gives me a look. "Alright. So I have the picture which is really cool by the way. Did you do it?"

"No actually, my girlfriend. She's an artist."

"Where do you want it?"

I hold out my arm. "Right above the wrist."

"Cool. Stay calm, if at any point you want to stop let me know."

"Okay. I'm ready."

For the next hour or so, I get the tattoo done. It doesn't hurt very much but I'm use to physical pain. As he finishes I take a good look. It wasn't too big. The heart itself was red while the lifeline remained black. It looked just like Nadine's and I loved it. He gave me instructions on what I would have to do until it heals and then I payed. 

I checked the time and I saw that I would be back way before the countdown started. I got in the car and was more confident then the last time. I drove and listened to music. Suddenly, a car behind me started speeding up. It was close enough to make me nervous so I sped up a little. But it just kept following. 

I tried pulling over to let it past me but it didn't instead, it began inching closer. It was close enough that it hit my bumper. I started to drive again but it got beside me. Slowly pushing me off the road. I tried to come back but this car was bigger than mine. One last jerk to the side and I was tumbling down a hill.

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