Chapter Nineteen - Goodbye Highschool

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I sit in the front row with the rest of the 2020 graduating class. It's not many of us so the whole town fits in the gym. I fidget nervously in my seat. Karlie sits beside me. She grabs my hand and squeezes.

She gives me an encouraging smile but I can tell she's nervous too so I squeeze her hand back. The principal stands at a podium and does a few introductions.

"Now typically, we have our valedictorian give the class speech. But this year we have a special request from the mayor's daughter. So without further ado, Nadine."

We clap and cheer as Nadine makes her way on stage. She looks radiant up there. The spotlight was clearly made for her. She waits for the noise to die down before she begins speaking. 

"I've been preparing this speech for awhile now and suddenly none of the words I wanted to say seem right." That gets a laugh out of the crowd and I think it helps her relax. 

"I'm just going to say what feels right and hopefully you guys like it."

She takes a deep breath. "Most of us have never been out of this town. We know nothing but the people we've grown up with. We're about to go into a world we know nothing about. Trust me, I'm terrified too."

She smiles brightly. "But I'm excited as well. I encourage everyone to not try and get rid of their fear, but add excitement into the mix. The world is about to come in contact with some of the most smartest, creative and athletic people this town has to offer. Quite frankly they should be the ones scared."

She has everyone cheering. "It's our time now. This is not only an ending, but a beginning. The beginning of new loves, new friends and amazing adventures. Embrace that. We'll only look this good once, you know."

We all stand and clap and cheer. Nadine finds my face in the crowd and I mouth an 'I love you.' If it's possible she smiles even wider. 

It takes another hour before all of our names are called. As the principal finishes the last name and we all stand up. He takes center stage with the microphone in hand. "Class of 2020, this entire town is proud of the people we are sending out into the world. If you would all grab your tassels."

I grab my tassel. Something so light is about to change my entire life. "Graduates, move your tassels. Congratulations!"

What happened after that felt like something out of a cheesy high school movie. A few hats got thrown in the air. The parents rush down from the bleachers. Friends and family are crying and hugging. Somehow my mom and Carmen find me in the chaos. They wrap me in a hug. I'm being squeezed from all sides. My mom is crying.

"Why are you crying," I ask her. 

She wipes her eyes and gives me a watery smile. "My little girl is all grown up. I just can't believe I won't have either one of my girls in the house anymore."

Carmen and I share a look. We both give my mom and hug and reassure her we would visit on holidays and such. Everyone is leaving the school but I haven't seen Nadine since she gave her speech. It's like she disappeared. As I'm being pushed with the crowd I search for pink hair. 

We make it all the way outside and out into the streets and I still don't see her. "Mom, have you seen Nadine?"

She shakes her head, "Nope. I haven't even seen her parents."

Carmen grabs my hand, "Come on, I have a surprise for you."

I'm unable to protest as I'm dragged away from the crowd. Carmen leads us into the town square. It was empty seeing as nobody has made it this far yet. But standing in the middle was my pink-haired girlfriend. She was holding balloons and a gift. 

I look at Carmen and she pushes me in Nadine's direction. "I'm just the messenger."

I walk up to Nadine. "What is all this?"

"It's my graduation gift to you."

"We're going to have to have a discussion about getting surprise gifts."

"Sure. Just after you open this."

She hands me the bag and I pull out the tissue paper. Inside is some chocolates. There's a black box and a card. I pull out the box and set the bag down. "Don't tell me you got me another ring."

"Open it."

 I open the box and this time lying in the center is a bracelet. It had the initials N and V engraved in it. I look up at her. "This is beautiful but I can't accept it. The ring is enough."

"Yeah well, too bad. It's nonrefundable. Also, you can't open the card until you're settled into your dorm room."

I close the box and place it back in the bag. The balloons are weighted so I make her set those on the ground. I guide her arms so there wrapped around me. "All I will ever need is you. These gifts aren't necessary."

She leans down to nuzzle my neck. "Well, I'll be far away and I always want you to have a piece of me. Besides, you're my girlfriend, and I love you and you deserve the world."

I lean into her. "I don't even deserve you let alone the world."

She picks her head up. "You're right."

I raise an eyebrow. "You definitely probably deserve the entire universe."

I smile and hit her. She laughs and looks back at me. Those wonderful blue eyes stare into mine and everything was just right. 

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