chapter thirteen

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"i think glen could be a suspect for my family's murder."

cal's eyebrows stitched together, her eyes focused on the road.

"um, what?" she asked, unbelieving.

"i was sleeping on the plane, and i woke up, then it hit me. the detectives think that the killer must have been someone close with my family...close enough to have a key to the house...he's the only one other than us four who know it. that makes sense to me, but this next part gets kind of absurd..."

"you're fucked in the head, amalie." cal shakes her head, still with disbelief. "i don't even want to hear what you have to say next. that's glen, amalie! you've known him just as long as i have. he'd never hurt a fucking fly. what the fuck has gotten into you?" there was such a venom in her voice that it dripped off the edge of her tongue in a sudden rage.

amalie gulped, sitting silent and unmoving from the passenger seat of the car. it was similar to a parent scolding a child.

"your uncle glen! one of my close friends! i can't believe you'd accuse him of such a thing. i know this whole thing has definitely taken a toll on you and all, but are you fucking for real?" cal's words cut into amalie, deep like a knife.

the rest of the ride was completely silent.

the brunette's hands clenched and unclenched, digging her nails into the palms of her hands.

the dirty blonde's knuckles were almost white as her hands were planted firmly on the steering wheel.

what cal said was hurtful, and it stung amalie like a bee. but amalie just had this sick, sick feeling...

cal had to be brainwashed. but she dropped amalie off without another word, hardly letting her grab her things and shut the back door before speeding off in the direction of her house. it had started to rain, so amalie darted inside, throwing her things on the floor of her room again. she undressed herself and leaped into bed, life again not allowing her the want of existence.

she let the darkness grab at her eyelids, drawing her into a sad sleep.

but when she awoke, she had been crying. sobbing. her chest jutted from the heaves that left her small body. without thinking, she got out of bed, shoved her feet in a crummy pair of shoes and pulled her rain jacket over her shoulders.

pocketing her phone, she raced back outside, where it poured like the ocean had taken the sky's place. she grabbed the bike from where it was leaning in it's usual spot, against the house. checking snap maps, she was able to come up with her impulsive destination.

she pedaled, fast through the pounding rain. it was so loud pattering all around her that she couldn't hear her harsh breaths as she kept going. she checked her phone every other second, making sure she was navigating correctly.

that darned bike was her only source of transportation the brunette had. the poor, hurried girl was completely beside herself because she couldn't accept her recent hypothesis. the possibility of it just seemed too fucked up. cal was right, how could amalie even think such a thing?

throwing the bike onto the grass, she raced up the stairs of the unfamiliar home and knocked on the door. her fists hit against it, as hard as she could, the tears streaming down her cheeks just camouflaging with the rain. every pound was louder than the one that came before it, but they were lousy because her body had been tired out from her journey.

"amalie?" cam rubbed his tired eyes. "amalie!" he grabbed her by the waist and pulled her inside his house. she was soaked in the brutal rainwater.

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