Chapter 2

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Shiro and the others were starting to freak out. They were standing outside the door that they had left to start their mission, but they weren't getting a response from Pidge who was supposed to open the door for them. Keith had radioed her over the comm link several times and was still trying to get her to answer.

"You don't think the Galra found her do you?" Lance asked.

"They have better not have or they are going to get a world of hurt." Hunk said tightening his grip on his Bayard. Shiro was leaning against the wall by the door, his Bayard hand, waiting for an answer from Keith.

"No, I don't think that's it or Pidge would have sent out a distress signal." He looked over at Keith who shook his head.

"I have tried contacting her to open the door but I haven't gotten a response." Keith said looking worried. Standing straight up Shiro looked at his fellow Paladins.

"We have to find a way to get in without setting off the security alarms." Shiro looked around the room trying to find a way that could either one: shut the alarm system off so they could blast the door open, or two: open the door without having to shut the alarms off.

"Uh, guys. I think I found something." Lance was standing next to a panel that Shiro hadn't noticed before. It was completely covered except for a corner that looked like it was cut out. Reaching for it Shiro stuck his finger in and pulled as hard as he could, but it didn't budge. He sighed as he sat down staring at the panel that wouldn't budge. Thinking that if he stared at it long enough he would get an answer from it.

"Ugh! What's the point?" Lance said crossing his arms. "We will have to find another way in."


"That's it! Lance you're a genius!" Shiro said standing up and turning towards him.

"I...I am a genius." Lance said standing proudly.

"You realize that he will let this go to his head right?" Keith said from beside Hunk.

"Maybe," Shiro says as he walks up to Keith, "but I am going to need your help to get that panel open he just gave me the idea."

Keith stood in front of the panel and, activated his Bayard, forming a sword. He placed the tip into the corner, that was open. Pushing down as hard as he could he managed to pop the panel, that was revealed a bunch of wires.

"Nice job!" Shiro said placing a hand on Keith's shoulder. "Now we just need to figure out what wire to cut." Shiro looked at the wires helplessly. "Only I don't know which one. Do any of you?" he asked looking around the room at his fellow Paladins.

"Sure I do!" Lance said stepping up to the panel.

"Are you sure Lance?" Hunk asked, "I mean there are a lot of wires and-"

"Yes, I am quite sure I know what I am doing thank you very much." he turned toward the wires.

Shiro watched from behind as the blue paladin sorted through the wires looking for the right one. Pidge had better be alright. It would have probably been better to leave her with backup, but Shiro needed all the help he could get, especially for the mission they were on.

A rebel fighter contacted the Castle of lions saying that a rebel with important info was captured by the Galra while on their way to them. When Shiro asked who it was he was surprised when he heard it was Matt. When they couldn't find him they came back only to find Pidge wasn't responding. She, of course, had no idea what they were really doing. Shiro didn't want to get her hopes up only to have them crushed when they came back empty-handed. So, Shiro, had her stay behind to gather information while the rest of them did "recon".

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