Chapter 11

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In the Main Galra ship with Matt

Inside the main Galra ship Matt was being escorted to a cell when the blasts started. He was thrown against the wall as another round of blasts hit the ship. He could only assume who the Galra were fighting. I have to let the Paladins know I am aboard the ship.

He was forced to his feet again by one sentry while the second kept a blaster trained on him. Planting one foot he pivoted to face the sentry behind him. Years of rebel training allowed him to dodge the blasts from the second sentry causing the first sentry to drop dead. In a moments notice one sentry was dead and Matt was disappearing around a corner the last sentry trailing after him.

Disappearing around a second corner Matt rested, his cuffed hands hanging down in front of him. As his breathing returned to normal the second sentry appeared around the corner.

Without thinking Matt balled his cuffed hands and sent them flying towards the sentry's face.

His hands connected and it set the sentry off balance, which gave Matt the opportunity to grab the blaster from his hands.

Turning it on the sentry he fired it until the sentry fell to the ground and stopped moving. Releasing a shaky breath he turned front the now destroyed sentry and ran down the hall.

He had never killed before.

In the rebel base he had always handled decoding transmissions and organizing shipments. Normally he wouldn't have needed training for such things, but the rebels insisted he be prepared for any possible situation, such as this one.

But, of course, he never thought he would have to kill. Even if it was a robot it still hit him hard emotionally.

Slowing to a walk he thought about where the Galra would've taken his gear. If he could find it then he could contact the Paladins, before they destroyed the ship and sent him flying into the vacuum of space.

No pressure right?

With Lance

As Lance approached the surface of Neve he was starting to pick up something in the ice on his sensors. It was a possibility that it was Pidge, but since her lion was offline he couldn't be sure.

"Whatever it is, it should be over this next rise," Lance said half hoping to himself that it wasn't Pidge, or if by chance that it happened to be her that she would be completely fine and they had nothing to worry about.

Coming over the top of the rise he nearly cried out at what he saw. Buried deep in the ice was Pidge's lion. It was buried so far down in the ice that the only thing that was visible was the back end of the lion.

Landing his lion on the ice as close as he could get it he sprinted towards the green lion.

Coming up to the belly of the beast he felt for the entrance that every lion had in case of emergency.

Finding it at last he pushed down on it, then removed his hands as the door opened.

Stepping into the lion he found it was pitch black. Where are the emergency lights? Turning on his flashlight he stepped through the door, and went sliding down towards the cockpit.

Just before he landed his jet pack kicked in and he slowly lowered himself beside the door. Opening it he shined his flashlight to see the back of the pilot's chair.

"Pidge!" He called into the room, "Can you hear me?"

No answer.

Oh God no! Please Lord let her be alright!

He activated his jet pack and lowered himself onto the back of the Pidge's chair. Grabbing onto the sides, so he wouldn't fall off as he looked into the chair, hoping to find an unconscious Pidge strapped safely in her chair.

Instead he found an empty chair with the seat belts dangling away from the chair. Even worse there was a gaping hole in the windshield exposing the ice and letting cold air in.

Now he had a new problem. Either Pidge was trapped under the ice or she fell out before her lion crashed.

In space in the heat of battle

Hunk had just fired another round of shots at the Galra ship when his radio came to life.

"Hello?" He asked into the radio, "Keith? Shiro? Allura?" Still nothing. He shrugged it off and thought that one of the others accidentally hit the button, but all that changed when he heard it again.

"...Hunk...Can you hear me?"

The radio clicked off again.

The voice sounded oddly familiar. It kinda reminded him of someone from earth...

"...Hunk...It's me...Matt"

Of course! No wonder it sounded familiar. It was the reason why Pidge went to Neve and how they were here now.

"Matt! You're alive!" Hunk said as he came to the realization.

"Hunk...Listen I need you guys to stop firing at the ship!"

"Why?" Hunk was confused. It was a small possibility that Matt was on the exact same Galra ship they were fighting.

"Because I'm on it"

Well.....there's still a possibility.


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