Dragon!Choromatsu x Reader

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"No!" A young woman screamed at the top of her lungs, fighting to break free from the grip of the two men that held her down. Both of her arms were twisted around behind her while they attempted to shove her to the ground, their armored hands grabbing at her form as she kicked and struggled to break free, her harsh gaze locked onto a writhing form across the room from her.

A man was fighting against five soldiers, bulky men clad in heavy armor. His dark hair was completely disheveled as green liquid began to drip from his mouth, his sharp teeth gnashing in fury at those around him. Two black horns curled upwards from the sides of his head, the man using them like weapons as he was overwhelmed by the soldiers. His hands and feet weren't human, instead ending in green scales with each finger and toe wielding a sharp talon, and a thick green-scaled tail whipped around behind him. Two leathery wings were trying to unfurl from the man's back, the shirt torn and shredded from the abnormal appendages that matched the green coloration.

"Leave him be! We've done nothing wrong!" The woman yelled at the one soldier that stood apart from the others, his armor much more elaborate than theirs.

"Orders from the king. You're committing a crime by harboring a Dragon, wench," He snarled down at her, disgust in his eyes as he looked at her.

"That Dragon is my husband, and has been for the past few years!"

"A human laying with a Dragon? Don't be ridiculous..." The soldier knelt down and grabbed her chin, forcing her to look up higher at him, "Your words will cost you your life."

"Don't you touch her!" The Dragon snarled from underneath the pile of soldiers, a guttural growl echoing throughout the thatch home. The soldiers pulled away to reveal the Dragon now fully chained, a thick metallic muzzle over his nose and mouth with heavy chains wrapping his arms and legs together. The green liquid dripped through the openings of the muzzle, the droplets sizzling when they hit the floor and formed small divots in the packed dirt.

"Cooperate with us and she won't come to harm," The soldier released the woman's chin and looked back at the chained Dragon, "Resist and I can't guarantee her safety."

"Don't agree, Choromatsu...you know how they are!" The woman tried again to free herself and run to the Dragon's side, wanting to rip off the binding chains that made the once-proud man look so small.

The Dragon Choromatsu met her eyes briefly before looking away in resignation, the green liquid no longer flowing from his mouth. The soldier seemed satisfied with the gesture for an answer.

"Move out! We have what we came for," He walked out of the house, followed by the other soldiers dragging Choromatsu behind them like a slave forced to trail after its master.

"Choromatsu!" The woman jumped up when she felt the men's grip loosen, rushing towards her husband before being grabbed again from behind. The soldiers behind her shoved her back to the ground, pulling her hands back and locking them in place with something metallic. (Y/n) was dragged along behind them, stumbling on her feet as her home nestled within the fringes of the wood grew further and further away.

She knew that she was being taken to be collateral so Choromatsu wouldn't act out of line, and they wouldn't be kept in the same area alone. (Y/n) could only watch them drag Choromatsu far ahead of her, biting her lip as her mind raced with ideas to try and break free. If she was out of the picture, then he had a chance of breaking out as well.

The morning slowly crept towards afternoon and later into evening, the darkening horizon revealing a bright skyline.

The capital.

Choromatsu and (y/n) didn't live far away, since the previous king was much kinder to those that weren't human. However, he passed away a few years ago and his son took the throne, along with the hatred of any race that wasn't fully human. Laws were put into place that didn't make sense, businesses were closed down and families were forced to separate because some of them were considered 'sub-human'.

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