1. Blown Glass

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"It's a little fitted" you mused, pulling self-consciously at the material as you looked at your reflection.

"Honey, you can't hide this" Law sassed, winking at you in the mirror.

"I didn't say I wanted to hide it, just that it's a little fitted" you mumbled, blushing slightly.

Law tsked, readjusting the off the shoulder straps of the dress, rolling his eyes at your reflection.

"There are women who would love to have a little bump like yours!" Law declared, turning you to look at him. "Seriously, you make it look good"

"Don't flatter me it's cheap" you replied, turning sideways as you looked in the mirror and frowning. Little bump my ass. "Don't stand sideways" you said quietly to yourself.

"Law's right Y/N" Christine said, smiling sympathetically, packing away her equipment. "How far along are you?"

"Five months, give or take"

"What's she whinging about now?" Tom asked, exiting the bathroom. He was shirtless, black jeans practically moulded to his legs.

"I'm not whinging, the dress is just a little tight" you replied, grabbing a cushion and throwing it at him.

He caught it, grinning cheekily as he sauntered over to wrap his arm around your rapidly disappearing waist.

"You look gorgeous" he murmured, kissing your cheek carefully so as not to mess up the makeup you'd so painstakingly applied.

"You say that when I look like a hobo" you said, blushing even though it was just Law and Christine.

"You make a very attractive hobo" he teased, kissing your other cheek before releasing you to pull on his shirt, Christine huffing as he mussed up his hair.

"Ugh, you two are too much" Law groaned, looking thoroughly disgusted.

As Law and Christine finished getting Tom red carpet ready, you continued to examine yourself from different angles, trying to find one that you thought was somewhat flattering. Your feet and ankles were swelling and staying swollen, and you wished that the dress was longer to hide the fact. Was it paranoia or was your face beginning to swell too?

Your critical self-judgement was cut short when your stomach growled loudly. You swallowed the funny metallic taste that coated your mouth and made your way to the kitchenette, hoping there was something half decent hiding in the fridge. You found a couple of apples, a tub of yogurt and half a burger. You grabbed the burger, popping it in the microwave, glancing at Tom as he suffered Law and Christine's fussing. He was all but bouncing on the spot, fingers tapping at his leg agitatedly.

Relax, you mouthed at him. He rolled his eyes but nodded, sighing loudly as he stood still.

The microwave beeped and, not waiting for it to cool down, you wolfed down the steaming burger, burning the roof of your mouth as you did. It hit the spot, gnawing hunger sated and you turned back to Tom and the others.

"We're going to be late" you said, looking pointedly at your watch.

"Surely I'm ready?" Tom asked, expression pained.

"Yes, yes, you're ready" Law said, stepping back as Christine continued to fuss over his hair. "Come on then, don't want to be late!"


"These jeans are way too tight" Tom muttered, taking a chance to escape the flashing cameras and screeching paparazzi, using you and Christine as a shield as he readjusted himself.

You giggled. "Well you did the fitting when you were Cherry skinny and now you're getting Unchartered beefy so they're bound to be, uh, uncomfortable" you smirked, Christine retouching Tom's hair for the thousandth time that night.

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