5. My Girls

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"He's on!"

"Coming!" Nikki called, hurrying from the kitchen to the couch. She grabbed the remote to turn up the volume before glancing at you and hurriedly turning it back down. "Oops! Sorry dear"

"She's alright, you can turn it up" you replied glancing down at Zara, who was far too preoccupied with her evening feed to be bothered by the volume of the TV.

You turned your attention back to the TV as Nikki turned the volume up a little, glancing at her granddaughter to check that she was indeed unfazed by the sound. Harry had set up a live-stream of the event for you to watch, Tom having left a little over an hour ago for the evening Marvel event at MCM Comic Con London, leaving the three of you behind. To say he had left reluctantly was an understatement - the boys nearly had to drag him out the door.

"They don't need me though" Tom whined as you did his tie.

You chuckled, shaking your head. He'd said this at least a hundred times today alone.

"Tom, there is practically a stadium full of fans wanting to hear YOU and only you speak. This has also been on your calendar long before I got knocked up. You're going!" you scolded gently, kissing his pouting lips.

In truth, you needed a little break. Whilst Zara's entrance into the world had been dramatic, Tom had taken caring husband and father to a whole frantic and overbearing new level, doing everything he could bar breastfeeding. At first it was nice, but you were beginning to feel more than a little irritated by the constant fussing and attention. You couldn't even get a glass of water without Tom leaping into action.

"But what if something happens?"

You sighed. This had been his other argument all week as your house was commandeered by Tom's team, working to keep him home whilst still "present" for every Zoom interview, promo and photoshoot. The lower level of your house had been transformed into a professional studio-cum-dressing room-cum whatever the hell Tom's team needed. The study was a mess of lights, cameras and coloured backdrops, with piles upon piles of signed photos of Tom ready to be delivered to eager fans. Your once pristine kitchen was now a bomb-site, one end dominated by Rachel and Law, makeup, clothes and shoes strewn haphazardly everywhere, the other by Kara and Drew, A3 sheets of Tom's schedule spread out as they tried to coordinate his interviews around Zara's own schedule of sleeping, feeding and pooping. More than once you'd locked yourself and Zara in your bedroom upstairs, needing privacy and quiet from the madness.

"Zara doesn't have a fever, nor do I. Nikki, the woman who raised you and your brothers, will be here. I have the numbers for the paediatrician and emergency clinic, as well the local police and ambulance stations, God forbid. But I won't have to call any of them because Nothing. Is. Going. To. Happen" you said emphatically, hands resting on his chest. "You'll be gone a few hours and we will be here, exactly as you left us"

"I hate leaving you behind. Doesn't feel right" he sulked.

You smiled, cupping his cheek as he used his puppy dog eyes to plead with you to not make him go.

"I wasn't invited handsome" you said, and though you wouldn't admit it aloud you were a little relieved to not have been; you simply weren't up for the anxiety inducing intensity of an event like Comic Con. "Besides, I wouldn't know what to wear" you shrugged, feigning nonchalance as you tugged uncomfortably at your oversized tee.

Two months since Zara's birth and you sported a small bump - somehow too small for maternity wear and yet too big for pre-baby clothes.

"Well you should've been first on the guest list" Tom murmured, one arm wrapping around your waist as the other instinctively caressed your belly. "I miss feeling her in there"

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