6. Just Because

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I want adventure in the great wide somewhere,
I want it more than I can tell

And for once it might be grand
To have someone understand
I want so much more than they've got planned


"Yes baby, you can be and do anything you want" you replied, tapping the end of Zara's delicate nose before looking back at the TV.

"Why can't I film you singing again?"

"Because you'll post it for my birthday or something stupid like that and I'll die of embarrassment" 

"But you're really good!"

"No Tom" you said, looking away from the TV to find his phone pointed at you. "STOP!" you whined, reaching over to grab the phone.

"But you sound good babe!" he protested, smirking mischievously as he easily moved out of your reach.

"Delete it!" you grumbled, covering your face with your free hand.

"No, this will be something to show Zara when she's older" he replied half-seriously. "These are important memories to have"

You kept it to yourself that his comment sounded like it was word for word out of Nikki's mouth. "Please delete it?" you asked imploringly, doing your best puppy dog eyes.

"I won't delete it, but I pinky swear not to post it for your birthday" he offered, extending his hand towards yours, pinky finger wiggling teasingly.

"Ugh fine" you huffed, hooking your finger with his, shaking roughly. "This is exactly why I don't like watching Disney with you"

"And it's exactly why I like watching Disney with you" Tom replied, kissing your forehead. "Though I do think she's a little young for Beauty and the Beast"

"I want her to know the old school Disney movies" you shrugged. "And it's my favourite"

"As evidenced by the sheer number of rose themed gifts your Dad has bestowed upon you because you can't bear to tell him that your favourite flower is a peony"

You blushed. "He's always so proud of himself"

Dad was a man of simple tastes. You were, mostly, a woman of equally simple tastes. However, you didn't have the heart to tell him that you would prefer a massage voucher or new book over yet another Beauty and the Beast themed gift. Scattered across the house guests could find an array of rosy gifts, from a stained glass wind-chime and a tea set modelled after Mrs Potts and Chip, to an (admittedly stunning) wrought iron rose painted gold and suspended in a bell jar with three beautiful blood red petals artfully "falling" to the base of the jar.

Tom smiled, nodding in agreement. "Just out of curiosity, what else have you made our four and a half month old 'watch'?"

"Um..." you paused, frowning to think. "Just Disney? The Little Mermaid, Tangled, Peter Pan, Tarzan, Mulan...The Lion King, though she wasn't nearly as interested in The Lion King as I was expecting. And for the record, she enjoys it"

"She can't exactly tell you that she doesn't want to watch them babe" he chuckled, smirking cheekily.

"If you're wondering, which I know you are, she's watched both Spies in Disguise and Onward" you said, checking to see if she was done. No such luck. "But if I had to say with any certainty, I think she likes Spies in Disguise more" you said, readjusting yourself, your tailbone becoming numb.

"Wonder why..." he mused.

"I think she just likes the pigeons" you said, looking down at Zara as she mumbled into your breast. "Don't you Possum, you just like the pigeons!"

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