16. Santa Baby

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"Babe, this is lame!"

"Just shut up and smile" you replied through your teeth, smiling as the camera counted down.

"Couldn't we just-"

"TOM!" you protested as the camera clicked. "Ugh, you ruined the photo. Again!"

"You were talking!"

"Because of you!" you huffed, getting up and going back to the camera once again. Not only was your mouth open in a comical fashion, but one of your eyes was half-open and the other one closed, making it look like you were drunk. Fortunately it wasn't just you caught unawares, Tom rolling his eyes skyward and Zara looking at you, her mouth in a small 'o' shape. "You said you wanted to do this!" you groaned as you re-set the camera. "And you didn't have any problems with it last year"

Last Christmas the two of you had decided that even though it was very exciting, realistically Zara had the attention span of a goldfish and memory to boot. So instead of overwhelming her with gifts, you would take a photo every year to make a special photo album for her to have when she was older. The difference was that last Christmas Tom had been all for the idea and this year you'd have better luck negotiating an amistice between North Korea and the US.

"Yeah," he sighed, bouncing Zara on his knee. "Last year the Christmas themed pyjamas were cute - for Zara! Not us!"

"Well suck it up buttercup, because it's going to be part of the tradition" you replied, rolling your eyes at him. "Also I found a company that makes matching chrissy pj's for dogs as well as babies" You smiled at Tessa who sighed dramatically, clearly taking Tom's side in the argument.

You thought the pyjama's were adorable. They were white with red candy canes, Christmas trees and little staffy faces dotted on the fabric. Admittedly it was a bit lame but it was also cute and fun and silly, and after nearly six months solo parenting all you wanted was a bit of silliness and fun to ring in the holiday season. Why Tom was kicking up such a stink was a beyond you.

"Okay, if we get this photo done then you can go and do whatever it is you'd rather be doing"

Tom rolled his eyes as you hurried back, sitting next to him and smiling at the camera. You held your breath as the camera counted down before 'click'. Tom sighed with relief as you checked the camera, giving him a thumbs up.

"Was that so difficult?"

"Yes" he muttered, putting Zara on the floor before removing his shirt and walking upstairs.

"Where are you going?" you asked. You'd thought that the plan was to watch a Christmas movie together. You'd even bought the expensive hot chocolate he liked and the mini-marshmallows.

"To the shops"

"What for?"

"To finish my Christmas shopping!" he replied testily. "Why else would I be going?"

"Oh jeez, sorry for asking" you mumbled, wondering why he was being so short with you. He'd been back less than a week and it was like he was ready to go again. "What's up Daddy's bum? Hm?" you asked Zara, getting nothing except a cheeky smile in reply.

"Can you take those ridiculous pj's off Tessa please?" he asked, as he jogged down the stairs, clad in his usual outfit of Docs, jeans, hoodie and denim jacket. Any hint of holiday cheer that might have been tangible in the silly Christmas pyjamas had completely vanished, replaced with a I'm-A-Jerk-But-It's-Sexy-When-I-Do-It attitude. "I'll be back" he said stopping to quickly kiss your cheek and squeeze Zara's before walking down the hallway and disappearing into the garage without a backwards look.

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