It was False love (Mikey x Abused! Reader)

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You were on the way to the turtles' lair. You hadn't visit them in months. You definitely owed them an explanation. You zipped up your jacket and adjusted you sunglasses as you hopped down a manhole. You were relieved that you were gonna see them.

You and Leo could watch Space Hero marathons again, you and Raph could train together again, you and Donnie could work on inventions again, and you finally see Mikey's sweet smile and play video games and do prank wars again. Mikey always made you laugh and smile until your cheeks hurt, but you were lacking your happiness right now. You were now at the entrance of the lair. You took a deep breath and walked in. You saw Mikey playing video games on the tv and you smiled. He saw you and a huge smile grown onto his face.

"(Y/N)!!!" He screamed with joy.

He ran up to you and hugged you tightly. You tried not to whimper in pain so you wouldn't hurt his feelings.

"Jeez Mikey let her breathe." Raph spoke walking up to them.

Mikey released from the hug and smiled, "it's awesome to see you dudette!"

"You too Mikey." You replied.

Leo and Donnie walked in, "hey (y/n)."

You waved at them.

"You've been gone for 3 months." Donnie said, "where have you been?"

"Oh you know....been busy with work and stuff." You lied.

"Why are you wearing sunglasses inside?" Leo asked.

"Uh because I had an eye appointment and they are very sensitive right now." You lied again.

The 4 turtles looked at you suspiciously. Mikey took your hand.

"You wanna play Mario Kart?" He asked.

You softly smiled, "yeah. I could use a good racing competition."

You and Mikey went to the living room and started playing. Leo and his brothers walked to the kitchen and looked at each other.

"Something's changed." Leo spoke.

"I agree." Donnie replied.

"I mean how does someone who is full of smiles and laughter as much as Mikey disappear for 3 months and suddenly shows up with every inch of her body covered up?" Raph questioned.

"We need to figure out what's happened to her." Leo concluded.

You and Mikey were racing on Rainbow Bridge. You were (favorite Mario character) and Mikey was Toad.

"Oh I'm gonna beat you (y/n)!" Mikey smiled as he got a red shell.

"Not if I get you first!" She replied throwing a red shell at him.

The red shell was a direct hit at Mikey and he fell off the bridge. You finished the race in 1st and Mikey cheered.

"You won!" He yelled shaking your shoulders.

"Even after 3 months you still beat me at-" Mikey immediately stopped talking once he laid eyes on your face.

Your sunglasses had fallen off. He gasped and you flinched.

"(Y/n) how did you get a black eye!?!" He panicked.

His brothers ran to the room and gasped at what they saw. You had a purplish black eye.

"(Y/n) what happened?????" Mikey panicked.

You never wanted to see sweet innocent Mikey worried about you.

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