You're Beautiful (Donnie x insecure! Reader)

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You were fixing yourself some dinner while your parents were out for their anniversary dinner. You were fixing (favorite food) and had (favorite movie) ready on your tv in your room. You fixed your plate and a cup of (favorite drink) and settled in your room. You played the movie and began eating your meal. You dipped your drink as your eyes were glued to the tv.

About 15 minutes later, you finished your dinner. You paused the movie and walked to the kitchen. You started washing dishes that you used for dinner. You started humming a sweet song as you were cleaning.

"Hey (y/n)."

You screamed in fright and a plate flew up in the air. You caught it and looked in front of you; it was Donnie.

"Oh uh-hey D-Donnie." You stuttered as your cheeks heated up.

"Sorry I didn't mean to scare you." He replied.

"It's uh fine." You said.

"What are you doing?" He asked, "I texted and called but you didn't answer."

"Sorry I was fixing dinner and watching a movie. Can only do so much at the same time." You chuckled nervously.

"What did you make?" He asked.

"(Favorite food)." You answered.

"You'll have to make me some. I'm tired of eating pizza." He replied.

"But pizza is your guys' thing." You told him.

"It's good to have a variety of things." He said.

You put the plate on the cabinet and closed it. You looked at the now clean kitchen.

"Finally done." You said.

Donnie softly smiled at you and you softly blushed and looked at the ground.

"What are you watching in your room?" He asked.

"(Favorite movie)." You answered.

"Come on let's go watch it." He replied.

You both walked in your room and sat on your bed. You pressed play and the movie started again. You and Donnie were hypnotized by the film. At times your would glance at him. You've had a crush on the purple masked turtle for a long time.

But, of course, he had met April months prior before you. And you believed you had no chance. You compared yourself lowly to her. She had beautiful long red hair and beautiful blue eyes. Her body form was so slim and perfect.

She visited the turtles almost every day. And she even trained with them because she was a kunoichi. couldn't compare yourself to her. You weren't a kunoichi, you didn't have pretty eyes or beautiful hair. You just couldn't call yourself beautiful.

Donnie noticed your depressed mood, "everything alright (y/n)?"

You looked up at him with a smile, "y-yeah! I'm a-alright."

Donnie stood up and sat in front of you, blocking you from the tv.

"I know better than that. Tell me what's going on in (y/n)'a world." He said.

You sighed, "it's just.....I'm not beautiful. When I see you and April I don't feel...confident. I-I just don't how to feel when I see-"

Donnie leaned in and kissed your soft lips. You instantly melted into his lips as he cupped your face. He pulled away and you were in shock.

"I-I thought you-"

"I don't love April, (y/n). I love you." He spoke giving you a kiss on your forehead, "and in my ARE beautiful. April couldn't compare from where you stand in my eyes. You are a beautiful enchantress. Don't put yourself down because you have a feeling that you're not beautiful. Because you are beautiful and I love you with all my heart."

You blushed madly and you hid your face with your hands. He moved your hands away.

"I don't want my beautiful babygirl hiding from you. It's adorable when you blush." He added.

You then smashed your lips against his and kissed him passionately. Oh how you dreamed of this moment, fearing that it would never come true. But yet it came true. Your purple masked crush was now your boyfriend. And all your confidence built back up from that moment then and forever on.

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